久石让 久石譲 Joe Hisaishi,1950年12月6日出生于日本中野市,日本著名作曲家、歌手、钢琴家,以担任电影配乐为主。特别是宫崎骏导演的作品,从《风之谷》至《悬崖上的金鱼公主》的二十多年间所有长篇动画电影的音乐制作,为宫崎骏作品中不可欠缺的配乐大师。“久石让”这个名字的来源是他的偶像——美国黑人音乐家及制作人昆西·琼斯。他把“Quincy Jones”这个名字改成日语发音,再联上最近似的汉字姓名,就变成了“久石让”。他的英文名JOE,也可以说是为了向美国配乐大师QUINCY JONES致敬。
1992年,久石让凭借《那年夏天宁静的海》获得第十五届日本电影金像奖最优秀音乐奖。1999年,由久石让配乐的《幽灵公主》获得第17届JASRAC奖铜奖。2001年,久石让为《千与千寻》创作配乐,并获得日本第56届每日映书大赏音乐赏,新世纪东京国际动画大赏音乐奖及美国国际电影动画学会”最佳原著音乐奖” 。2002年,由久石让担任音乐创作的《千与千寻》获得第30届安妮奖最佳动画音乐奖。2004年,凭借《哈尔的移动城堡》获得日本东京国际动画大赏”最佳音乐”和美国洛杉矶影评人协会的”最佳原创音乐奖” 。2005年,凭借《欢迎来到东莫村》获得第四届大韩民国电影大奖最优秀音乐奖。2008年,由久石让担当音乐监制的电影《入殓师》获得第81届奥斯卡金像奖”最佳外语片奖” 。2008年4月13日,久石让参加第27届香港电影金像奖颁奖典礼,由久石让配乐的《姨妈的后现代生活》获得”最佳原创电影音乐奖” 。2009年,久石让凭借《悬崖上的金鱼公主》获得日本电影金像奖”最佳原创音乐奖” 。2010年,为电影《让子弹飞》配乐。2011年,凭借《恶人》获得第34届日本电影金像奖”最佳音乐奖”。2015年2月25日,举办”世纪音乐大师-久石让”音乐演奏会。2018年,凭借《明月几时有》荣获第12届亚洲电影大奖最佳原创音乐奖 、第37届香港电影金像奖最佳原创电影音乐 。




1982年,推出了第一张个人专辑《Information》;个人的事务所“Wonder City”成立。
1991年2月,首次举办交响音乐会《The Joe Hisaishi Symphonic Concert》,与指挥金洪才和新日本爱乐交响乐团共同演出。
1992年9月,第一张现场演奏专辑《Symphonic Best Selection》发行;第一本著作《I am – 通往遥远音乐之路》出版。
1998年,久石让获邀担任日本长野冬季残疾人奥运会的音乐制作总监,并创作主题曲《启程之时~Asian Dream Song~》。
2003年1月,与泷田洋二郎初次合作,担任了《壬生义士传》的音乐监督;6月,发行了第一张演奏会DVD《a Wish to the Moon – Joe Hisaishi & 9 cellos 2003 ETUDE & ENCORE TOUR – 》。
2004年11月,担任宫崎骏导演的电影《哈尔的移动城堡》音乐监督,凭借此作品获得了美国洛杉矶影评人协会的“最佳原创音乐奖”;7月,与新日本爱乐乐团组成”World Dream Orchestra“,并担任音乐监督。
2006年,久石让发行了一张录音室专辑,Asian X.T.C.,这部作品展示了鲜明的兼收并蓄的当代东方特色。二胡演奏者詹丽君(中国女子十二乐坊成员)曾在现场音乐会中演奏过这张专辑中的经典曲目。
2014年1月11日,在台北国家音乐厅与国家交响乐团合作演出,担任贝多芬经典交响曲《命运》的指挥;3月12日,推出个人首张吉卜力动画经典音乐精选辑《Ghibli Best Stories》;5月2日,与维也纳国家歌剧院合唱团在台北国家音乐厅演奏了久石让作曲的《Orbis》、《起风了》和贝多芬的第九交响曲,3日,在台南文化中心举办“久石让特别音乐会”,并在场外竖立大屏幕进行实况转播。




Joe Hisaishi
│ ├─16BIT
│ │ ├─1981 – Mkwaju
│ │ ├─1982 – INFORMATION
│ │ ├─1983 – kaze no tani no naushika – image album
│ │ ├─1983 – Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind Image Album
│ │ ├─1984 – kaze no tani no naushika – sound track ~haruka na chi e~
│ │ ├─1984 – kaze no tani no naushika – symphony
│ │ ├─1984 – Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind Symphony
│ │ ├─1984 – Nausicaa Of The Valley Of Winds (35ATC-3 Tokuma Japan Communications)
│ │ ├─1985 – alpha-Bet-City
│ │ ├─1985 – Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind 2CD
│ │ ├─1986 – CURVED MUSIC
│ │ ├─1986 – Laputa – Castle In The Sky (Image Album) (32ATC-113 Tokuma Japan Communications)
│ │ ├─1986 – Laputa – Image Album
│ │ ├─1986 – Nausicaa Best Collection (CD W PACK SERIES 27ATC-126-7 Tokuma Japan Communications Japan) 2CD
│ │ ├─1986 – 天空の城ラピュタ·サウンドトラック ~飛行石の謎~ OST
│ │ ├─1987 – Laputa – Symphony
│ │ ├─1987 – My Neighbor Totoro Image Song Collection(となりのトトロ.イメージソング集)
│ │ ├─1988 – My Neighbor Totoro
│ │ ├─1988 – My Neighbor Totoro OST
│ │ ├─1988 – Piano Stories I
│ │ ├─1988 – Totoro – Sound Book
│ │ ├─1988 – 安田成美 – 風の谷のナウシカ Single
│ │ ├─1989 – kaze no tani no naushika – hi-tech series
│ │ ├─1989 – Kiki’s Delivery Service
│ │ ├─1989 – Kiki’s Delivery Service – Hi-Tech Series
│ │ ├─1989 – Laputa High Tech Series
│ │ ├─1989 – 魔女の宅急便 Image Album
│ │ ├─1989 – 魔女の宅急便 サントラ音楽集
│ │ ├─1990 – My Neighbor Totoro – Hi-Tech Series (TKCA-30014 Tokuma Japan Communications)
│ │ ├─1991 – Animage Best Symphony
│ │ ├─1992 – Ano Natsu, Ichiban Shizukana Umi {あの夏、いちばん静かな海} {那年夏天宁静的海}
│ │ ├─1992 – Kiki’s Delivery Service Vocal Album
│ │ ├─1992 – Piano Stories I
│ │ ├─1992 – Porco Rosso
│ │ ├─1992 – Symphonic Best Selection
│ │ ├─1993 – Digital Trip 1800 Series Kaze no Tani no Naushika
│ │ ├─1993 – Ocean Waves
│ │ ├─1993 – Sonatine
│ │ ├─1994 – The Universe Within 1-Human Body I & II 2CD
│ │ ├─1996 – Kids Return (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
│ │ ├─1996 – PIANO STORIES Ⅱ – The Wind of Life
│ │ ├─1996 – Princess Mononoke IA
│ │ ├─1996 – もののけ姫 イメージアルバム Image Album
│ │ ├─1997 – Parasite EVE
│ │ ├─1997 – Princess Mononoke
│ │ ├─1997 – Princess Mononoke (TKCA-71168 Tokuma Japan Communications)
│ │ ├─1997 – Works I
│ │ ├─1997 – WORKS I [A] [Tidal]
│ │ ├─1997 – WORKS I [Tidal]
│ │ ├─1997 – もののけ姫 OST
│ │ ├─1997 – もののけ姫 Single
│ │ ├─1998 – HANA-BI
│ │ ├─1998 – NOSTALGIA -PIANO STORIES III- [A] [Tidal]
│ │ ├─1998 – NOSTALGIA -PIANO STORIES III- [Tidal]
│ │ ├─1998 – Piano Stories III – Nostalgia
│ │ ├─1998 – Princess Mononoke – Symphonic Suite
│ │ ├─1998 – もののけ姫 シンフォニー編
│ │ ├─1999 – Kikujiro no Natsu
│ │ ├─1999 – My Neighbor Totoro Song & Karaoke(いっしょに歌おう!大きな声で となりのトトロ ソング&カラオケ) [!!!]
│ │ ├─1999 – Porco Rosso Image Album
│ │ ├─1999 – Porco Rosso Soundtrack
│ │ ├─1999 – The Universe Within 2 The Human Brain & Mind
│ │ ├─1999 – The Universe Within 3-Gene I
│ │ ├─1999 – The Universe Within 3-Gene II
│ │ ├─1999 – Works II
│ │ ├─1999 – WORKS II -Orchestra Nights- (Live) [A] [Tidal]
│ │ ├─1999 – WORKS II -Orchestra Nights- (Live) [Tidal]
│ │ ├─2000 – Brother
│ │ ├─2000 – First Love
│ │ ├─2000 – Honoo no Alpenrose Symphony
│ │ ├─2000 – Kikujiro (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
│ │ ├─2000 – Shoot The Violist [POCH-1928]
│ │ ├─2000 – 宫崎骏提琴辑 – 風のとおり道
│ │ ├─2001 – Ano natsu, ichiban shizukana umi
│ │ ├─2001 – Brother
│ │ ├─2001 – joe hisaishi meets kitano films
│ │ ├─2001 – Little Tom Thumb {le petit poucet}
│ │ ├─2001 – Quartet {カルテット}
│ │ ├─2001 – Spirited Away (soundtrack)
│ │ ├─2001 – Spirited Away – Image Album
│ │ ├─2001 – Spirited Away ED Single
│ │ ├─2001 – 交響組曲 「もののけ姫」
│ │ ├─2002 – Castle in the Sky
│ │ ├─2002 – Dolls (UPCH-1191)
│ │ ├─2002 – ENCORE
│ │ ├─2002 – ENCORE [A][Tidal]
│ │ ├─2002 – ENCORE [Tidal]
│ │ ├─2002 – Joe Hisaishi Meets Kitano Films (UPCH-1086)
│ │ ├─2002 – Kimio Tsurete
│ │ ├─2002 – Orchestra Stories Tonari No Totoro
│ │ ├─2002 – The Castle In The Sky USA Version Soundtrack
│ │ ├─2002 – 猫の恩返し OST [!!!]
│ │ ├─2002 – 风になる幻化成風
│ │ ├─2003 – Best Live 2003 空想美術館 [!!!]
│ │ ├─2003 – CURVED MUSIC 2 [!!!]
│ │ ├─2003 – ETUDE -a Wish to the Moon-
│ │ ├─2003 – ETUDE -a Wish to the Moon- [A]
│ │ ├─2003 – HANA-BI (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
│ │ ├─2004 – Bande Originale du film Le Mecano (The General – 1927)
│ │ ├─2004 – Howl’s Moving Castle – Soundtrack
│ │ ├─2004 – Kiki’s Delivery Service Vocal Series & Karaoke ~ Turning Seasons
│ │ ├─2004 – Le Mecano De La General (Bande Originale du Film)
│ │ ├─2004 – My Neighbor Totoro Soundtrack Collection
│ │ ├─2004 – The General (Le Mecano De La General)
│ │ ├─2004 – World Dreams
│ │ ├─2004 – World Dreams [A] [Tidal]
│ │ ├─2004 – World Dreams [Tidal]
│ │ ├─2004 – ハウルの動く城 イメージ交響組曲 [Tracks]
│ │ ├─2004 – ハウルの動く城 主題歌 倍賞千恵子 – 世界の約束
│ │ ├─2004 – ハウルの動く城サウンドトラック
│ │ ├─2005 – A Chinese Tall Story
│ │ ├─2005 – American In Paris
│ │ ├─2005 – American In Paris [A] [Tidal]
│ │ ├─2005 – American In Paris [Tidal]
│ │ ├─2005 – Czech Philharmonic Orchestra Plays Studio Ghibli Symphonic Collection
│ │ ├─2005 – Ghibli Study
│ │ ├─2005 – GHIBLI the Classics [!!!]
│ │ ├─2005 – PIANO STORIES 4 – FREEDOM
│ │ ├─2005 – Venus Wars
│ │ ├─2005 – Welcome to Dongmakgol
│ │ ├─2005 – WORKS III
│ │ ├─2005 – WORKS III [A]
│ │ ├─2005 – Works III {Universal Island JASRAC UPCI-1027}
│ │ ├─2006 – Asian X.T.C {梦游亚西亚}
│ │ ├─2006 – El Castillo Ambulante
│ │ ├─2006 – FREEDOM PIANO STORIES 4 [A]
│ │ ├─2006 – Psycho Horror Night
│ │ ├─2006 – Psycho Horror Night (Live) [A] [Tidal]
│ │ ├─2006 – Psycho Horror Night (Live) [Tidal]
│ │ ├─2006 – Studio Ghibli Music
│ │ ├─2006 – The Best Collection
│ │ ├─2006 – ゲド戦記
│ │ ├─2006 – ゲド戦記歌集
│ │ ├─2007 – Four Gods (Legend)
│ │ ├─2007 – Four Gods Vol. 1 [AVCF-26629]
│ │ ├─2007 – The Sun Also Rises
│ │ ├─2007 – W.D.O. BEST [A] [Tidal]
│ │ ├─2007 – W.D.O. BEST [Tidal]
│ │ ├─2007 – W.D.O.BEST
│ │ ├─2008 – Cinema Complex
│ │ ├─2008 – Four Gods Vol. 2 [AVCF-26630-B]
│ │ ├─2008 – Hisaishi Meets Miyazaki Films
│ │ ├─2008 – Okuribito [!!!]
│ │ ├─2008 – Piano Stories Best ’88-’08
│ │ ├─2008 – Piano Stories Best ’88-’08 [A] [Tidal]
│ │ ├─2008 – Piano Stories Best ’88-’08 [Tidal]
│ │ ├─2008 – Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea
│ │ ├─2008 – 崖の上のポニョ イメージアルバム Image Album
│ │ ├─2008 – 崖の上のポニョ サウンドトラック Soundtrack
│ │ ├─2009 – Another Piano Stories -The End of the World-
│ │ ├─2009 – Departures (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
│ │ ├─2009 – Departures (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [A]
│ │ ├─2009 – MinimalRhythm
│ │ ├─2009 – MinimalRhythm [A]
│ │ ├─2009 – 久石譲 in 武道館 ~宮崎アニメと共に歩んだ25年間~
│ │ ├─2010 – Akunin
│ │ ├─2010 – Akunin [Tidal]
│ │ ├─2010 – Melodyphony
│ │ ├─2010 – Melodyphony [A]
│ │ ├─2010 – The Sun Also Rises (Original Soundtrack Album)
│ │ ├─2011 – Kimio Nosete
│ │ ├─2011 – Mononoke Hime
│ │ ├─2011 – Sanpo
│ │ ├─2011 – The Best of Cinema Music
│ │ ├─2011 – Tonari No Totoro
│ │ ├─2012 – Another Piano Stories -The End of the World-
│ │ ├─2012 – Another Piano Stories -The End of the World- [A]
│ │ ├─2012 – One Summer’s Day from Spirited Away
│ │ ├─2012 – PIANO STORIES II -The Wind of Life-
│ │ ├─2012 – PIANO STORIES II -The Wind of Life- [A]
│ │ ├─2012 – Vermeer & Escher
│ │ ├─2013 – Ni no Kuni- Wrath of the White Witch [Original Soundtrack]
│ │ ├─2013 – Tokyo Kazoku
│ │ ├─2014 – Ashitaka and San – From Princess Mononoke
│ │ ├─2014 – Princess Mononoke Soundtrack for Piano played by daigoro789
│ │ ├─2014 – El Castillo Vagabundo
│ │ ├─2014 – My Neighbor Totoro
│ │ ├─2014 – One Summer’s Day
│ │ ├─2014 – Studio Ghibli Hayao Miyazaki & Joe Hisaishi Soundtrack Box 13CD
│ │ ├─2014 – Summer – from Kikujiro
│ │ ├─2014 – Works IV -Dream of W.D.O.- (Live)
│ │ ├─2014 – WORKS IV -Dream of W.D.O.- (Live) [A]
│ │ ├─2014 – Waltz of Chihiro
│ │ ├─2015 – Ghibli Relax
│ │ ├─2015 – MinimalRhythm II
│ │ ├─2015 – MinimalRhythm II [A]
│ │ ├─2015 – Studio Ghibli Piano
│ │ ├─2015 – Tonari No Totoro
│ │ ├─2016 – Inochi no Namae (From Spirited Away)
│ │ ├─2016 – Mononoke Hime (from Princess Mononoke)
│ │ ├─2016 – Promise of the World
│ │ ├─2016 – The End of the World
│ │ ├─2016 – The End of the World (Live At Joe Hisaishi & World Dream Orchestra 2015) 2CD
│ │ ├─2016 – The End of the World (Live) 2CD
│ │ ├─2016 – The End of the World (Live) [A] 2CD
│ │ ├─2016 – The Sun Also Rises (Original Soundtrack Album)
│ │ ├─2017 – Minimalrhythm III
│ │ ├─2017 – One Summer’s Day
│ │ ├─2017 – One Summer’s Day (From Spirited Away)
│ │ ├─2018 – Laputa Castle In The Sky Symphonic Suite
│ │ ├─2018 – Promise of the World (From Howl’s Moving Castle)
│ │ ├─2018 – Symphonic Suite Castle In The Sky
│ │ ├─2018 – Symphonic Suite Castle in the Sky [A]
│ │ ├─2018 – The Name of Life (From Spirited Away)
│ │ ├─2019 – A Town With An Ocean View (From Kiki’s Delivery Service) (Lofi Beat)
│ │ ├─2019 – Ashitaka and San (Piano Version)
│ │ ├─2019 – Cave of Mind (The Secret Cave) [From Howl’s Moving Castle]
│ │ ├─2019 – Children of The Sea (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
│ │ ├─2019 – Howl’s Moving Castle – Merry Go Round Of Life – Main Theme
│ │ ├─2019 – Innocent (from ‘Castle in the Sky’)
│ │ ├─2019 – Inochi no Namae (From “Spirited Away”)
│ │ ├─2019 – Kiki’s Delivery Service – A Town With An Ocean View – Main Theme
│ │ ├─2019 – Main Theme (From Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch)
│ │ ├─2019 – Mononoke Hime Princess Mononoke (Piano Version)
│ │ ├─2019 – Nausica? of the Valley of the Wind (Piano Version)
│ │ ├─2019 – Nausica? of the Valley of the Wind – Opening
│ │ ├─2019 – Ni No Kuni The Movie (Original Motion Pictrure Soundtrack)
│ │ ├─2019 – Ni No Kuni The Movie (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
│ │ ├─2019 – On The Cliff By The Sea Theme (From Ponyo) (Karaoke Version)
│ │ ├─2019 – One Summer’s Day (Piano Version)
│ │ ├─2019 – One Summer’s Day (from ‘Spirited Away’)
│ │ ├─2019 – One Summer’s Day (From Spirited Away) (Lofi Beat)
│ │ ├─2019 – Path of the Wind (From My Neighbor Totoro)
│ │ ├─2019 – Ponyo – On The Cliff By The Sea – Main Theme
│ │ ├─2019 – Porco rosso (Piano version)
│ │ ├─2019 – Porco Rosso – The Bygone Days – Main Theme
│ │ ├─2019 – Spirited Away (Piano Version)
│ │ ├─2019 – Spirited Away – The Name Of Life – Main Theme
│ │ ├─2019 – Spirited Away Suite (Live)
│ │ ├─2019 – Spirited Away Suite (Live) [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2019 – Spirited Away Suite (Live) [A]
│ │ ├─2019 – The Demon God (From Princess Mononoke)
│ │ ├─2019 – The Legend of Ashitaka (From Princess Mononoke)
│ │ ├─2019 – The Legend of Ashitaka (From Princess Mononoke) (Piano Version)
│ │ ├─2019 – The Name of Life (feat. Aougi)
│ │ ├─2019 – The Name of Life (Piano Solo Version)
│ │ ├─2019 – The Sixth Station (From Spirited Away) (Lofi Beat)
│ │ ├─2019 – The Tatara Women Work Song (From Princess Mononoke)
│ │ ├─2019 – ????for Piano
│ │ ├─2020 – A Journey – Dream of Flight (From The Wind Rises) [Chiptune]
│ │ ├─2020 – A Town With an Ocean View (From Kiki’s Delivery Service)
│ │ ├─2020 – Always With Me (From Spirited Away) [Erhu Cover]
│ │ ├─2020 – Angel Springs
│ │ ├─2020 – Children of The Sea
│ │ ├─2020 – Dream Songs- The Essential Joe Hisaishi 2CD
│ │ ├─2020 – Ending Theme Song (from ‘My Neighbour Totoro’) (Lullaby Rendition)
│ │ ├─2020 – Merry Go Round Of Life (From Howl’s Moving Castle) [Erhu Cover]
│ │ ├─2020 – Merry Go Round Of Life (From Howls Moving Castle) (Trap Remix)
│ │ ├─2020 – Merry-Go-Round of Life (from ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’)
│ │ ├─2020 – Merry-Go-Round of Life (From Howl’s Moving Castle) [Medieval Style]
│ │ ├─2020 – Merry-Go-Round of Life (Howl’s Moving Castle)
│ │ ├─2020 – Mononoke Hime (From Princess Mononoke)
│ │ ├─2020 – Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea (From Ponyo on the Cliff) [Chiptune]
│ │ ├─2020 – Princess Mononoke (Ashitaka and San)
│ │ ├─2020 – Princess Mononoke Theme (Vocal) [From “Princess Mononoke”]
│ │ ├─2020 – Princess Mononoke Theme Song (From Princess Mononoke)
│ │ ├─2020 – Road to Somewhere (From Spirited Away) [Chiptune]
│ │ ├─2020 – Stravinsky -The Rite of Spring
│ │ ├─2020 – Studio Ghibli
│ │ ├─2020 – Summer (from ‘Kikujiro’)
│ │ ├─2020 – Symphonic Suite “Kiki’s Delivery Service”
│ │ ├─2020 – The Girl Who Fell From The Sky (From Laputa – Castle in the Sky) [Chiptune]
│ │ ├─2020 – The Legend of Ashitaka (From Princess Mononoke)
│ │ ├─2020 – The Name of Life Variations (From Spirited Away)
│ │ ├─2020 – The Path of The Wind (From My Neighbor Totoro)
│ │ ├─2020 – The Sixth Station (From Spirited Away) [Piano]
│ │ ├─2020 – Tonari no Totoro (Piano Arrangement)
│ │ ├─2021 – A Journey (A Dream of Flight) (From The Wind Rises) – [Lofi Hip Hop]
│ │ ├─2021 – A Sea of Clouds in the Moonlight (from Castle in the Sky) (Piano Version)
│ │ ├─2021 – A Town with an Ocean View (From Kiki’s Delivery Service) (Cover)
│ │ ├─2021 – a town with an ocean view (kiki’s delivery service lofi)
│ │ ├─2021 – A Town with Ocean View (From Kiki`s Delivery Service)
│ │ ├─2021 – Ashitaka and San (from Princess Mononoke) (Piano Version)
│ │ ├─2021 – carrying you (castle in the sky lofi)
│ │ ├─2021 – Castle in the Sky (From Laputa Castle in the Sky)
│ │ ├─2021 – Departure (From Kiki’s Delivery Service) (Cover)
│ │ ├─2021 – Dragon Boy (Reggae Guitar Cover)
│ │ ├─2021 – HANA-BI (Live)
│ │ ├─2021 – Heartbeat
│ │ ├─2021 – Heartbeat [Tidal]
│ │ ├─2021 – Howl’s Moving Castle Theme (feat. Anican Yu)
│ │ ├─2021 – Howl′s Moving Castle Merry Go Round of Life
│ │ ├─2021 – Inochi no Namae (From Spirited Away) (Erhu Cover)
│ │ ├─2021 – Kiki’s Delivery Service
│ │ ├─2021 – la pioggia
│ │ ├─2021 – Laputa Castle in The Sky Theme (The Girl Who Fell From The Sky) [from Laputa Castle in The Sky] (Cinematic)
│ │ ├─2021 – Little Tom Thumb
│ │ ├─2021 – Merry Go Round of Life
│ │ ├─2021 – Merry Go Round Of Life (From Howls Moving Castle) (Epic Version)
│ │ ├─2021 – Merry Go Round of Life (From Howl`s Moving Castle) (Instrumental)
│ │ ├─2021 – Merry-Go-Round of Life (from Howl’s Moving Castle) (Piano Version)
│ │ ├─2021 – Merry-Go-Round of Life (From Howl`s Moving Castle)
│ │ ├─2021 – MinimalRhythm IV
│ │ ├─2021 – Mononoke Hime (From Princess Mononoke) [Erhu Cover]
│ │ ├─2021 – My Neighbor Totoro (From My Neighbor Totoro) [Lofi Hip Hop]
│ │ ├─2021 – My Neighbor Totoro — Ending Theme Song (From “My Neighbor Totoro”)
│ │ ├─2021 – nausicaa requiem (nausicaa of the valley of the wind lofi)
│ │ ├─2021 – Nausica? Requiem The Bird Man – Ending Theme (Arr. for Brass and Harp)
│ │ ├─2021 – Nostalgia (From Dream Songs)
│ │ ├─2021 – On a Clear Day (From Kiki`s Delivery Service)
│ │ ├─2021 – One Summer Day
│ │ ├─2021 – One Summer Day (From Spirited Away) (Caribbean)
│ │ ├─2021 – One Summer Day (From Spirited Away) (Instrumental)
│ │ ├─2021 – One Summer Day (From Spirited Away) (Lofi)
│ │ ├─2021 – One Summer Day (From Spirited Away) [Lofi Hip Hop]
│ │ ├─2021 – One Summer’s Day
│ │ ├─2021 – One Summer’s Day (Piano Version)
│ │ ├─2021 – One Summer’s Day (From Spirited Away) [Lofi]
│ │ ├─2021 – One Summer’s Day Studio Ghibli Favourites for Solo Piano by Joe Hisaishi (Piano Version)
│ │ ├─2021 – path of the wind (my neighbor totoro lofi)
│ │ ├─2021 – Piano Covers, Vol. 2
│ │ ├─2021 – Princess Mononoke
│ │ ├─2021 – Princess Mononoke (Cover)
│ │ ├─2021 – Princess Mononoke Theme Song (Cello and Piano Ver.)
│ │ ├─2021 – Reprise (From Spirited Away)
│ │ ├─2021 – Songs of Hope- The Essential Joe Hisaishi Vol. 2 2CD
│ │ ├─2021 – Songs of Hope- The Essential Joe Hisaishi Vol. 2 [A] 2CD
│ │ ├─2021 – Soul Snatcher (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
│ │ ├─2021 – Soul Snatcher (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Tidal]
│ │ ├─2021 – Summer
│ │ ├─2021 – Summer (From Kikujiro)
│ │ ├─2021 – Summer (Piano Version)
│ │ ├─2021 – The Bird Man (From Nausica? Valley of the Wind)
│ │ ├─2021 – The Legend of Ashitaka (From Princess Monoke)
│ │ ├─2021 – The Legend of Ashitaka (From Princess Mononoke)
│ │ ├─2021 – The Legend of Ashitaka (from Princess Mononoke) (Acoustic Guitar)
│ │ ├─2021 – The Legend of Ashitaka (From Princess Mononoke) (Cello)
│ │ ├─2021 – The Legend of Ashitaka (From Princess Mononoke) (Instrumental)
│ │ ├─2021 – the legend of ashitaka (princess mononoke lofi)
│ │ ├─2021 – The Legend of Ashitaka (Princess Mononoke) (Lofi)
│ │ ├─2021 – The Name of Life (From Spirited Away)
│ │ ├─2021 – The Name Of Life (From Spirited Away) (Trap Remix)
│ │ ├─2021 – The Name Of Life (From Spirited Away) (Guitar Instrumental)
│ │ ├─2021 – The Name of Life (From Spirited Away) (Instrumental)
│ │ ├─2021 – The Name of Life (Spirited Away Main Theme) [Inochi no Namae]
│ │ ├─2021 – The Path of the Wind (from My Neighbor Totoro) (Piano Version)
│ │ ├─2021 – The Sixth Station (Cover)
│ │ ├─2021 – Tribute to Ghibli
│ │ ├─2021 – You’re In Love (From Howl’s Moving Castle) (Cello)
│ │ ├─2021 – You’re In Love (From Howl’s Moving Castle) (Piano)
│ │ ├─2021 – you’re in love (howl’s moving castle lofi)
│ │ ├─2022 – A Musical Box Rendition of STUDIO GHIBLI Songs Collection Vol-3
│ │ ├─2022 – A Musical Box Rendition of STUDIO GHIBLI Songs Collection Vol-5
│ │ ├─2022 – A Musical Box Rendition of STUDIO GHIBLI Songs Collection Vol-6
│ │ ├─2022 – A Town With An Ocean View (From Kiki’s Delivery Service) (Lullaby Version)
│ │ ├─2022 – A Town With An Ocean View (From Kiki’s Delivery Service) (Trap Version)
│ │ ├─2022 – A Town with an Ocean View (from Kiki’s Delivery Service) (Lofi Cover)
│ │ ├─2022 – A Town With an Ocean View (lofi)
│ │ ├─2022 – a town with an ocean view lofi ~ kiki’s delivery service (feat. Tanoshi)
│ │ ├─2022 – Anime Study
│ │ ├─2022 – ashitaka and san (princess mononoke lofi)
│ │ ├─2022 – Bygone Days
│ │ ├─2022 – Bygone Days (From Porco Rosso) (Orchestral Cover)
│ │ ├─2022 – Calm Studio Ghibli
│ │ ├─2022 – Castle in the Sky (Chillout Version)
│ │ ├─2022 – Castle in the Sky (Laputa) (Lofi)
│ │ ├─2022 – chihiro’s waltz (spirited away lofi)
│ │ ├─2022 – Dirty Ghibli
│ │ ├─2022 – Ghibli Sleep
│ │ ├─2022 – Ghibli Nightcore Anime Lofi
│ │ ├─2022 – Ghibli Piano Box Vol.1 (Piano Box Version)
│ │ ├─2022 – heartbroken kiki (kiki’s delivery service lofi)
│ │ ├─2022 – Howl’s Moving Castle (Lyre ver.)
│ │ ├─2022 – Howl’s Moving Castle Main Theme
│ │ ├─2022 – Inochi no Namae (From Spirited Away)
│ │ ├─2022 – Journey to the West
│ │ ├─2022 – 久石譲 presents ミュージック・フューチャーⅥ
│ │ ├─2022 – Kid Mini’s Anime Adventure
│ │ ├─2022 – Kiki’s Delivery Service (Piano Cover)
│ │ ├─2022 – Laputa Castle in the Sky – Ghibli Masterpiece with a Piano
│ │ ├─2022 – Legend of Ashitaka (From Mononoke Hime) (Hip Hop Version)
│ │ ├─2022 – lily and jiji (kiki’s delivery service lofi)
│ │ ├─2022 – Merry Go Round of Life (Cover)
│ │ ├─2022 – Merry Go Round Of Life (From Howl’s Moving Castle) (Lullaby Version)
│ │ ├─2022 – Merry Go Round Of Life (From Howl’s Moving Castle) (Slowed Down Version)
│ │ ├─2022 – Merry Go Round Of Life (From Howl’s Moving Castle) (Sped-Up Version)
│ │ ├─2022 – Merry Go Round of Life (Theme from Howl’s Moving Castle)
│ │ ├─2022 – Merry-Go-Round of Life (From Hauru no Ugoku Shiro) (Piano Version)
│ │ ├─2022 – Merry-Go-Round of Life (Howl’s Moving Castle Original Soundtrack) (Wedding Version)
│ │ ├─2022 – Mononoke Hime (Cover)
│ │ ├─2022 – Mononoke Hime (Instrumental Cover)
│ │ ├─2022 – Mononoke Hime – Theme Song (From Princess Mononoke) (Soft Piano Version)
│ │ ├─2022 – Mononoke-hime (Princess Mononoke) – Ghibli Masterpiece with a Piano
│ │ ├─2022 – mother’s broom (kiki’s delivery service lofi)
│ │ ├─2022 – My Neighbor Totoro – Ghibli Masterpiece Listen to with a Piano (Piano Version)
│ │ ├─2022 – Nausica? Opening
│ │ ├─2022 – Nausica? Requiem (From Nausica? of the Valley of the Wind) (2017 Version)
│ │ ├─2022 – Nightcore Anime Lofi
│ │ ├─2022 – On The Cliff By The Sea Theme (From Ponyo) (Lullaby Version)
│ │ ├─2022 – one summer day (Spirited Away Movie but it’s modified become lofi)
│ │ ├─2022 – One Summer’s Day
│ │ ├─2022 – One Summer’s Day (From Spirited Away)
│ │ ├─2022 – One Summer’s Day (From Spirited Away) (Piano Cover)
│ │ ├─2022 – One Summer’s Night (From ‘Spirited Away’)
│ │ ├─2022 – Piano Ghibli
│ │ ├─2022 – Porco Rosso – Ghibli Masterpiece Listen to with a Piano (Piano Version)
│ │ ├─2022 – Princess Mononoke Theme Song (Instrumental)
│ │ ├─2022 – promise of the world (howl’s moving castle lofi)
│ │ ├─2022 – sootballs (spirited away lofi)
│ │ ├─2022 – sosuke’s tears (ponyo lofi)
│ │ ├─2022 – Sosuke’s Tears (Ponyo)
│ │ ├─2022 – Spirited Away (lofi)
│ │ ├─2022 – Studio Ghibli Official B-Sides and Rarities Album
│ │ ├─2022 – Spring
│ │ ├─2022 – Studio Ghibli Soundtracks
│ │ ├─2022 – Summer (from Kikujiro)
│ │ ├─2022 – Summer (From Kikujiro) (Piano Cover)
│ │ ├─2022 – Symphonic Suite “Princess Mononoke”2021 (Live)
│ │ ├─2022 – Symphonic Suite “Princess Mononoke”2021 (Live) [A]
│ │ ├─2022 – the dragon boy (spirited away lofi)
│ │ ├─2022 – The Legend Of Ashitaka
│ │ ├─2022 – The Legend of Ashitaka (from Princess Mononoke) (lofi beat)
│ │ ├─2022 – The Legend of Ashitaka (From Princess Mononoke) (Sleepy Piano Version)
│ │ ├─2022 – The Legend of Ashitaka (From Princess Mononoke) [Lofi Version]
│ │ ├─2022 – The Lost Paradise (From Laputa Castle in the Sky) (Music Box Version)
│ │ ├─2022 – The Merry-Go-Round of Life (From Howl’s Moving Castle)
│ │ ├─2022 – The Name of Life
│ │ ├─2022 – The Name Of Life (From Spirited Away) (Lullaby Version)
│ │ ├─2022 – The Name Of Life (From Spirited Away) (Slowed Down Version)
│ │ ├─2022 – The Name Of Life (From Spirited Away) (Sped-Up Version)
│ │ ├─2022 – The Name of Life いのちの名前 (From Spirited Away) (feat. JustCosplaySings)
│ │ ├─2022 – The Road to Glory
│ │ ├─2022 – The Sixth Station (From Spirited Away) (Piano and Cello Quintet)
│ │ ├─2022 – The village in may (my neighbor totoro lofi)
│ │ ├─2022 – The Wind Rises (Piano Themes)
│ │ ├─2022 – Tonari no Totoro (From My Neighbor Totoro)
│ │ ├─2022 – Totoro Main Theme (My Neighbor Totoro)
│ │ ├─2022 – Totoro Piano
│ │ ├─2022 – town with an ocean view but lofi
│ │ ├─2022 – Two of us
│ │ ├─2022 – Un día de aquel verano (From El viaje de Chihiro) (Instrumental Cover)
│ │ ├─2022 – Waltz of Chihiro
│ │ ├─2022 – waltz of chihiro ~ spirited away lofi
│ │ ├─2022 – 君をのせて (feat. Hamish Smith & Ofri Nehemya)
│ │ ├─2022 – 菊次郎的夏天 (鋼琴版)
│ │ ├─2023 – A Town With An Ocean View (From Kiki’s Delivery Service) (Slowed Down Version)
│ │ ├─2023 – A Town With An Ocean View (From Kiki’s Delivery Service) (Sped-Up Version)
│ │ ├─2023 – Ashitaka and San (Acoustic Instrumental)
│ │ ├─2023 – dream of flight (the wind rises lofi)
│ │ ├─2023 – My own Ghibli World Beat of Lo-Fi, Vol.1
│ │ ├─2023 – Nausica? Requiem (From Nausica? of the Valley of the Wind)
│ │ ├─2023 – on a clear day (kiki’s delivery service lofi)
│ │ ├─2023 – Path of the Wind (Live)
│ │ ├─2023 – ponyo on the cliff by the sea (ponyo lofi)
│ │ ├─2023 – ponyo’s lullaby (ponyo lofi)
│ │ ├─2023 – sheeta’s decision (castle in the sky lofi)
│ │ ├─2023 – The Girl Who Fell From the Sky (Music Box Version) [From Laputa Castle in the Sky]
│ │ ├─2023 – The Lost Paradise (From Laputa Castle In The Sky)
│ │ ├─2023 – The Merry-Go-Round of Life (From Howl’s Moving Castle)
│ │ ├─2023 – The Name of Life
│ │ ├─2023 – The Name Of Life (From Spirited Away) (Piano Version)
│ │ ├─2023 – the sixth station (spirited away lofi)
│ │ ├─2023 – Theme Songs From Howl’s Moving Castle
│ │ ├─2023 – trap of clouds (porco rosso lofi)
│ │ ├─2023 – When I Remember This Life (From The Tale of The Princess Kaguya) (Piano)
│ │ ├─2023 – 恋だね (From Howl’s Moving Castle) (Piano)
│ │ ├─2023 – 空中散歩 (From Howl’s Moving Castle) (Piano)
│ ├─Hi-Res
│ │ ├─1985 – CURVED MUSIC SONY [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─1986 – CURVED MUSIC [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─1996 – Kids Return (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) SONY [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─1996 – Kids Return (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─1996 – PIANO STORIES II -The Wind of Life- [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─1997 – WORKS I SONY [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─1997 – WORKS I [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─1998 – HANA-BI (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─1998 – NOSTALGIA -PIANO STORIES III- [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─1999 – Kikujiro (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─1999 – WORKS II -Orchestra Nights- (Live) [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2000 – Shoot The Violist SONY [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2000 – Shoot The Violist [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2002 – Dream Songs The Essential Joe Hisaishi [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2002 – ENCORE [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2002 – HANA-BI (オリジナル?サウンドトラック) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2002 – MinimalRhythm III [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2002 – MinimalRhythm [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2002 – PIANO STORIES II ~The Wind of Life~ [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2002 – Spirited Away Suite [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2002 – Symphonic Suite Castle in the Sky [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2002 – WORKS II ~Orchestra Nights~ (Live) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2002 – おくりびと (オリジナル?サウンドトラック) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2002 – ミニマリズム 2 [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2002 – 映画『二ノ国』 [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2002 – 海獣の子供 [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2002 – 菊次郎の夏 (オリジナル?サウンドトラック) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2003 – ETUDE -a Wish to the Moon- [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2004 – WORLD DREAMS SONY [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2004 – WORLD DREAMS [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2005 – AMERICAN IN PARIS [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2005 – FREEDOM PIANO STORIES 4 SONY [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2005 – FREEDOM PIANO STORIES 4 [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2005 – WORKS III SONY [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2005 – WORKS III [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2005 – パリのアメリカ人 SONY [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2006 – PSYCHO HORROR NIGHT (Live) SONY [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2006 – PSYCHO HORROR NIGHT (Live) [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2007 – W.D.O. BEST SONY [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2007 – W.D.O. BEST [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2008 – Departures (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2008 – Piano Stories Best ’88-’08 SONY [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2008 – Piano Stories Best ’88-’08 [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2009 – Another Piano Stories -The End of the World- SONY [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2009 – Another Piano Stories -The End of the World- [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2009 – MinimalRhythm [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2010 – Melodyphony SONY [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2010 – Melodyphony [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2014 – WORKS IV -Dream of W.D.O.- (Live) SONY [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2014 – WORKS IV -Dream of W.D.O.- (Live) [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2015 – MinimalRhythm II [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2015 – 機甲創世記モスピーダ. モスピーダ [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2016 – The End of the World (Live) SONY [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2016 – The End of the World (Live) 2CD [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2017 – MinimalRhythm III [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2017 – 天音 – Single [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2018 – Symphonic Suite Castle in the Sky [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2018 – 銀河鉄道の夜 [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2019 – Beethoven Complete Symphonies (Anthology) [24Bit-192kHz]
│ │ ├─2019 – Children of The Sea (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2019 – Innocent (from ‘Castle in the Sky’) SONY [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2019 – Innocent (from ‘Castle in the Sky’) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2019 – Ni No Kuni The Movie (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2019 – One Summer’s Day (from ‘Spirited Away’) SONY [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2019 – One Summer’s Day (from ‘Spirited Away’) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2019 – Piano Transcriptions [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2020 – Dream Songs The Essential Joe Hisaishi 2CD [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2020 – ETUDE ~a Wish to the Moon~ [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─2020 – Howl’s Moving Castle Theme (Merry Go Round of Life) [24Bit-192kHz]
│ │ ├─2020 – Journey of the Heart (A Ni No Kuni Tribute) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2020 – Merry-Go-Round of Life (from ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’) SONY [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2020 – Merry-Go-Round of Life (from ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2020 – NOSTALGIA -PIANO STORIES III [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2020 – Summer (from ‘Kikujiro’) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2020 – Symphonic Suite “Kiki’s Delivery Service” (Live In Japan 2019) [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2020 – The Castle in the Sky Laputa Theme [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2020 – The Legend of Ashitaka [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – A Town With An Ocean View (From Kiki’s Delivery Service) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – Castle in the Sky (Music Inspired by the Film) (Piano Version) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – Ghibli Piano Covers [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – HANA-BI (Live) [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – la pioggia [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – Merry Go Round of Life (from Howl’s Moving Castle, Arr. for Cello & Piano by Julian Riem) [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – Merry Go Round of Life but is it okay if it’s lofi [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – merry-go-round of life (howl’s moving castle lofi) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – Merry-Go-Round of Life (Remix) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – Merry-Go-Round of Life From Howl’s Moving Castle Trio (feat. Tianle Hu & Qinyue He) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – MinimalRhythm IV (Live) [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – One Summer Day (Piano Cover) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – One Summer’s Day (From Spirited Away) [24Bit-192kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – Princess Mononoke (Harp Cover) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – Ren Sheng Xuan Zhuan Mu Ma [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – Songs of Hope The Essential Joe Hisaishi Vol. 2 2CD [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – The Ghibli Album [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – the name of life (spirited away lofi) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – the name of life (spirited away) but it’s lofi [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ │ ├─2021 – tonari no totoro (my neighbor totoro lofi) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – a haunted house! (my neighbor totoro lofi) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – A Town with an Ocean View (Ghibli Lofi) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – Carrying You (Castle in the Sky) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – Ghibli Secret Hideaway [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – Il Porco Rosso (Violin and Piano) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – Joe Hisaishi presents Music Future Ⅵ [24Bit-192kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – Kiki’s Delivery Service (Violin and Piano) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – Merry Go Round of Life (arr. piano) (from ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’) [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – Merry Go Round of Life (From Howl’s Moving Castle) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – Merry Go Round of Life [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – merry-go-round of life (lofi) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – Merry-Go-Round of Life (Violin and Piano) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – One Summer’s Day (arr. piano) (from ‘Spirited Away’) [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – One Summer’s Day (from Spirited Away) (Calming Piano) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – one summer’s day but it’s lofi (spirited away) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – Pon Mi x Opera [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – Studio Ghibli Felt Piano and Fantasy Collection [24Bit-192kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – Symphonic Suite “Princess Mononoke”2021 (Live) [24Bit-96kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – The Bygone Days (From Porco Rosso) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – The Name of Life (Spirited Away) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – The Promise of the World (Howl’s Moving Castle) [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – The Road to Glory [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – The Wind Rises (Piano Themes) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ │ ├─2022 – Totoro [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ │ ├─2023 – Always With You [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2023 – Memory [24Bit-48kHz]
│ │ ├─2023 – Summer (菊次郎の夏) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─LP
│ │ ├─1996 – Princess Mononoke- Image Album (1996, 2020) {TJJA-10024} 24-192
│ │ ├─1997 – Princess Mononoke- Soundtrack (1997, 2020) 2xLP {TJJA-10025} 24-192
│ │ ├─1998 – Princess Mononoke- Symphonic Suite (1998, 2020) {TJJA-10026} 24-192
│ │ ├─2001 – Spirited Away- Image Album (2001, 2020) {TJJA-10027} 24-192
│ │ ├─2001 – Spirited Away- Soundtrack (2001, 2020) 2xLP {TJJA-10028} 24-192
│ ├─MQA
│ │ ├─1986 – CURVED MUSIC [MQA]
│ │ ├─1996 – Kids Return (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [MQA]
│ │ ├─1997 – WORKS I [MQA]
│ │ ├─1999 – WORKS II -Orchestra Nights- (Live) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2000 – Kikujiro (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2002 – ENCORE [MQA]
│ │ ├─2003 – ETUDE -a Wish to the Moon- [MQA]
│ │ ├─2003 – HANA-BI (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2004 – WORLD DREAMS [MQA]
│ │ ├─2005 – AMERICAN IN PARIS [MQA]
│ │ ├─2005 – WORKS III [MQA]
│ │ ├─2006 – PSYCHO HORROR NIGHT (Live) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2007 – W.D.O. BEST [MQA]
│ │ ├─2008 – Piano Stories Best ’88-’08 [MQA]
│ │ ├─2009 – Departures (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2009 – MinimalRhythm [MQA]
│ │ ├─2010 – Akunin [MQA]
│ │ ├─2010 – Melodyphony [MQA]
│ │ ├─2012 – Another Piano Stories -The End of the World- [MQA]
│ │ ├─2012 – PIANO STORIES II -The Wind of Life- [MQA]
│ │ ├─2014 – WORKS IV -Dream of W.D.O.- (Live) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2015 – MinimalRhythm II [MQA]
│ │ ├─2016 – The End of the World (Live) 2CD [MQA]
│ │ ├─2016 – The Sun Also Rises (Original Soundtrack Album) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2017 – MinimalRhythm III [MQA]
│ │ ├─2018 – Symphonic Suite Castle in the Sky [MQA]
│ │ ├─2019 – Children of The Sea (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2019 – Innocent (from ‘Castle in the Sky’) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2019 – Ni No Kuni The Movie (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2019 – One Summer’s Day (from ‘Spirited Away’) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2019 – Spirited Away Suite (Live) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2020 – Dream Songs- The Essential Joe Hisaishi 2CD [MQA]
│ │ ├─2020 – Merry-Go-Round of Life (from ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2020 – Summer (from ‘Kikujiro’) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2020 – Symphonic Suite “Kiki’s Delivery Service” [MQA]
│ │ ├─2021 – HANA-BI (Live) [MQA]
│ │ ├─2021 – la pioggia [MQA]
│ │ ├─2021 – MinimalRhythm IV [MQA]
│ │ ├─2021 – Songs of Hope- The Essential Joe Hisaishi Vol. 2 2CD [MQA]
│ │ ├─2022 – Symphonic Suite “Princess Mononoke”2021 (Live) [MQA]
│ ├─2004 – Eiko Yamashita – Fragrance of Japan SACD-ISO
│ ├─2005 – Czech Phil Plays Studio Ghibli 交响曲集 SACD-ISO
│ ├─2005 – 捷克爱乐 & 久石让 – 交响曲集 SACD-ISO
│ ├─2009 – 久石譲 in 武道館DSD
│ ├─2014 – 宫崎骏 动画作品集 SACD-ISO
│ ├─2016 – Piano Stories DSD
│ ├─2019 – Beethoven Complete Symphonies DSD
│ ├─2019 – 快乐,奇异恩典 3 SONGS DSD
│ ├─2019 – 诗的精灵:久石让加古隆配乐作品精选 DSD
│ ├─2019 – 贝多芬交响曲全集 DSD
│ ├─2020 – 久石让 & 东京交响乐团:特拉文斯基 春之祭 DSD
│ ├─2020 – 宫崎骏遇上久石让 电影原声音乐精选集 SACD-ISO
│ ├─2021 – 久石让 & 尼诺·罗塔 龙猫、千与千寻、阿玛柯德等 钢琴作品集 DSD
│ ├─2023 – 久石让 & Music Future Band – 音乐未来 VI DSD
Joe Hisaishi
│ ├─2023 – A Symphonic Celebration – Music from the Studio Ghibli Films of Hayao Miyazaki [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2023 – A Symphonic Celebration – Music from the Studio Ghibli Films of Hayao Miyazaki [HDtracks] [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2023 – A Town with an Ocean View (from ‘Kiki’s Delivery Service’) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2023 – Merry-Go-Round of Life (from ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2023 – Mother’s Broom (from ‘Kiki’s Delivery Service’) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2024 – Joe Hisaishi in Vienna – Symphony No. 2, Viola Saga [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2024 – Silent Love (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2023 – A Symphonic Celebration – Music from the Studio Ghibli Films of Hayao Miyazaki [MQA]
│ ├─2023 – A Town with an Ocean View (from ‘Kiki’s Delivery Service’) [MQA]
│ ├─2023 – Merry-Go-Round of Life (from ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’) [MQA]
│ ├─2023 – Mother’s Broom (from ‘Kiki’s Delivery Service’) [MQA]
│ ├─2023 – A Symphonic Celebration – Music from the Studio Ghibli Films of Hayao Miyazaki
│ ├─2023 – A Town with an Ocean View (from ‘Kiki’s Delivery Service’)
│ ├─2023 – Merry-Go-Round of Life (from ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’)
│ ├─2023 – Mother’s Broom (from ‘Kiki’s Delivery Service’)
│ ├─2023 – Castle in the Sky
│ ├─2024 – Merry-Go-Round Studio Ghibli Music
├─1966 – Sonny Boy Williamson & The Yardbirds (Live)
├─2023 – A Symphonic Celebration – Music from the Studio Ghibli Films of Hayao Miyazaki
├─2023 – A Town with an Ocean View (from ‘Kiki’s Delivery Service’)
├─2023 – Merry-Go-Round of Life (from ‘Howl’s Moving Castle’)
├─2023 – Mother’s Broom (from ‘Kiki’s Delivery Service’)
├─2023 – Studio Ghibli Way? Piano Collection





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