六十年代英国产生了不少经得起历史考验的乐队,有披头士乐队、The Rolling Stones、The Who、Yes乐队等。Pink Floyd与Yes 乐队都属于艺术摇滚,二者都对“太空摇滚(space rock)”做出了探索。但这不等于说它们是两支雷同或部分雷同的乐队,Pink Floyd在许多方面表现出的特色为它投下了耀目的不朽的光环。Pink Floyd乐队的几位乐手:吉他手Syd Barrett(席德·波瑞特)、贝司手 Roger Waters(罗格·沃特斯)、鼓手Nick Mason(尼克·曼森)、键盘手Rick Wright (瑞克·瑞特)聚首在该乐队名下开始演出时,适逢1965年,天才青年、21岁的Syd Barrett掌握着这个年轻乐队的大部分职权(其余成员均不超于20岁),他能文能武,写歌、弹唱样样拿手。Pink Floyd这个队名是他将两位古老的布鲁斯艺人的名字Pink Anderson和Floyd Council结合起来组成的。起初,他们演奏那种司空见惯的节奏布鲁斯,在多如牛毛的乐队中间还显得相当平庸。
不过这种状况第二年即得到初步改观,Pink Floyd挖空心思在吉他和效果器上大作文章。尖叫的吉他经过效果器混响延时处理再经过放大器放大虽然还处在实验阶段,但已为乐队招来一小批歌迷。更为可喜的是Syd Barrett写出了一系列让人易于接受的迷幻乐段,配上迷幻的吉他和神圣的风琴(有灵魂入天堂的作用)实践起来效果不俗。Syd Barrett词作笔锋犀利、曲式闲雅,其作品流露出诗人的敏感和孩子般的好奇心。
1967年Pink Floyd签约EMI公司,一路畅行,首张单曲和首张专辑轻松上榜。首张专辑《The Piper at the Gates Of Dawn》(黎明之门前的风笛手)可与披头士乐队的《Sgt.Pepper’S》(帕波军士)一争高下。要评出英国迷幻专辑之最佳,《The Piper at the Gates of Dawn》当仁不让,一定要与《Sgt.Pepper’s》比肩同行。这张专辑既是首张也是Pink Floyd 最后一张类似的专辑。
1967年后半年,Syd Barrett的天才头脑终于碰到了最大的敌人。他患上了进行性的精神紧张症,一上台他的症状就发作,这位吉他手刚一开始是跟不上趟儿,再后来简直就不知道该演奏些什么。一场美国之行也因吉他手的职能瘫痪而草草结束。
1968年乐队收吉他手Dave Gilmour为第五位成员,让他在演出中担任Barrett 的角色,Barrett仍坚持写作和参加录音,这样维持了几个月后、他彻底离队了。Barrett,乐队的吉他手、歌手、词曲作者和领袖的离去将Pink Floyd的艺术生涯分成了明显的两个阶段。Barrett带走了轻松闲雅、友好幽默的视角,乐队再也没有创作出一个类似〈The Piper at the Gates of Dawn〉的专辑。处住这样一种不可逾越的窘界,百分之百的乐队都束手无策,制定游戏规则的人走了,游戏还能持续下力吗?仿佛只有奇迹才能拯救Pink Floyd。
种种难以至信的事实适时适地地巧合在一起,也许这就是我们所说的奇迹。Royer Waters——贝司手兼主唱,Pink Floyd具有雄才伟略的新舵手以及新上任不久的吉他手Dave Gilmour构成了Pink Floyd再生之后的创作阵线。Roger Waters写出的作品不辱Syd Barrett先前奠定下的水准,很快将Syd Barrett驱出英国人的记忆,占据了歌迷心中第—偶像的位置。其时乐队在美国尚不知名、这倒使Pink Floyd因祸得福,美国听众对Syd Barrett不存在先入为主的印象。
往后的若干年里Pink Floyd潜心打磨着他们实验摇滚的招牌。实验摇滚为迷幻风格与音乐歌剧联姻的产物,那玄妙的布鲁斯带着讨巧的流行风味在吉他与风琴的掩映下变得非常容易为人接受,再加上Pink Floyd领领什返于欧洲勺北艾各地参与地下演出活动,这些因素使Pink Floyd的听众群无形中扩大了不少。这一点Pink Floyd乐队在1973年发行专辑《Dark Side of the Moon》时并没有完整的认识。
《Dark Side of the Moon》(月亮的暗面)初次从Roger Waters手中脱搞时,包括作曲家在内的乐队成员即使作最大胆的猜想也无法想象出它未来的份量,起初它只不过是Waters写出的一组讽喻现代生活阴暗之处的歌曲。当它经过仔细的配器和效果处理之后,逐建射出难以至信的影响力。迷幻的不落风尘的吉他讲述着最真的事实,从容不迫的旋律正带你滑向最深的恐惧。《Dark Side of the Moon》塑造了Pink Floyd超级巨星的形像。它在公告牌排行榜冠军的位置上不可思议的停留了741周。从诞生那天起到现在它一直都是全世界范围内流行最广的摇滚专辑之一。
超越《Dark Side of the Moon》的成功是极端的事,Pink Floyd却及时跟进,于1975年发行了专辑《Wish You Were Here》(希望你在这儿),再度夺下专辑榜冠军,其中“Shine On You Crazy Diamond”(映着你——疯狂的钻石闪光)专为献给离队已久、已遭淡忘的乐队缔造者前吉他手Syd Barrett。如果说《Dark Side of the Moon》在表达现实的可怕、不安全和令人绝望时还带有某些掩饰,那么《Wish You Were Here》和1977年专辑《Animals》(动物)则将这阴郁的主题毫无保留地合盘托出。Roger Waters的思想和音乐正在逐步控制Pink Floyd乐队,这一作用由于1979年专辑《The Wall》(墙)而进一步加强了。
《The Wall》,一套两张的概念唱片,意境笼罩在一片愁云惨雾之中。墙用来讽喻现存生活环境中的种种困难——物质上的和精神上的,就如建筑在我们周围的高墙一样使人隔绝,使人像囚徒一样痛苦。《The Wall》取得的成功不是一般意义上的,即便有《Dark Side of the Moon》在前,仍可以这么说,部分原因在于这次他们除去了电子乐的成分。《The Wall》的主题曲“Another Brick in the Wall”(墙上的另一块砖)作为单曲单独发行。该曲由Roger Waters写成,分为三部分,带有自传体三部曲的形式。第一部写童年惨缺不全的亲情留下的永久的创痛,第二部控诉不良的教育制度对少年心灵的摧残,第三部描述虚妄的爱情无休止的捉弄着青年绝望的心。Rick Wright感人至深的键盘,Nick Mason从容不迫的鼓韵,David Gilmour如泣如诉的吉他深深验证了他们对Roger Waters作品的理解程度,他们的表现也为他们自身赢得了闪光的荣誉。
Pink Floyd早期就很重视视听效果,他们在这方面的不少创举到了九十年代仍不能被超越。《The Wall》就能证明这一点,两首歌之间立体声效果极强的直升机螺旋浆似的轰鸣、近距离的枪声、女性的和声以及歌曲起始处情绪化的独白等等,这些均被当作模式延用至今。在《The Wall》发行前后的巡演中,Pink Floyd在每场的舞台上都搭建一堵高墙,这种声情并茂的表演形式也走在了历史的前头。
八十年代早期Roger Waters对Pink Floyd的控制终于引起其他成员的反感,从而成为乐队解散的主要因素。乐队的部分成员于八、九十年代仍不时推出一些专辑,均获得了满意的商业成就,不少歌迷指责Pink Floyd的成员满足于商业目的而未继续他们六七十年代的那种艺术创造。毕竟是岁月不饶人啊!
如前所述,平克·弗洛伊德是摇滚黄金时代的代表性乐队,是艺术摇滚和迷幻摇滚的旗帜 。其音乐有着诱人的迷幻气质,以及强烈的社会责任感。他们的现场演出更是独具一格,经常调动各种感官媒介协助表现音乐的主题,给观众多元但又含混的直觉感受 。他们在20世纪60年代中期创作的先锋音乐是迷幻摇滚的巅峰,给音乐带来了真正的变化。而他们20世纪70年代发表的专辑《月之暗面》和《迷墙》则成为二战后一代以摇滚乐的方式呈现的一组灵魂史诗。除了在音乐上的成就,他们还通过专辑封面、MV和舞台设计等,输出了一系列极具代表性的视觉符号。

应同好要求而收集, 目前网络上应该没有比此更全的合集了,适合珍藏,Pink.Floyd-Discography.1967-2014.MP3 26.4GB 点此

│ ├─1967 The Piper at The Gates of Dawn
│ ├─1968 A Saucerful of Secrets
│ ├─1969 Ummagumma
│ ├─1970 Atom Heart Mother
│ ├─1971 Meddle
│ ├─1971 Relics
│ ├─1972 Obscured by Clouds
│ ├─1973 The Dark Side Of The Moon
│ ├─1975 Wish You Were Here
│ ├─1975 Wish You Were Here DSD256
│ ├─1977 Animals
│ ├─1979 The Wall
│ ├─1981 A Collection of Great Dance Songs
│ ├─1983 The Final Cut
│ ├─1987 A Momentary Lapse of Reason
│ ├─1994 The Division Bell
│ ├─2003 – EMI Records Ltd. – Dark Side Of The Moon DSD
│ ├─2011 – Wish you were here DSD
│ ├─2014 The Endless River
│ ├─2015 David Gilmour Rattle That Lock (vdHEU Clipping)
│ ├─2018 Pulse
│ ├─2018 Relics EU
│ ├─2020 Delicate Sound Of Thunder
│ └─2023 – The Dark Side of the Moon live at Wembley 1974 DSD
│ ├─SACD
│ │ ├─1975 – Wish You Were Here
│ │ ├─1979 – The Wall
│ │ ├─1994 – The Division Bell 2xSACD
│ │ │ ├─Pink Floyd The Division Bell 1994 Stereo [SACD-R]
│ │ │ └─Pink Floyd The Division Bell 1994 [SACD-R]
│ │ ├─2003 – The Dark Side Of The Moon (1973)
│ │ ├─2008 – Jazz Side of the Moon – The Music of Pink Floyd
│ │ ├─2011 – Wish you were here
│ │ ├─2014 – The Endless River
│ │ ├─2018 – Animals
│ │ ├─2021 – A Momentary Lapse Of Reason
│ │ ├─2021 – The Dark Side Of The Moon (1973) (Analogue Production Remaster)
│ │ ├─2023 – The Dark Side Of The Moon (Japan)
│ └─Hi-Res
│ ├─1967 – The Piper at the Gates of Dawn 24-192
│ ├─1968 – A Saucerful of Secrets 24-192
│ ├─1968 – Germin,ation (2017 Remastered Version) 24-44.1
│ ├─1969 – Dramatis-ation (2017 Remastered Version) 24-44.1
│ ├─1969 – More (Original Film Sountrack) (2011 Remastered Version) 24-192
│ ├─1969 – Ummagumma (2011 Remastered Version) 2CD24-192
│ ├─1970 – Atom Heart Mother 24-192
│ ├─1970 – Devi-ation (2017 Remastered Version) 24-44.1
│ ├─1971 – Meddle 24-192
│ ├─1971 – Meddle 24-48
│ ├─1971 – Meddle 24-96
│ ├─1971 – Reverber-ation (2017 Remastered Version) 24-44.1
│ ├─1972 – Live At Pompeii 24-96
│ ├─1972 – Obfusc-ation (2017 Remastered Version) 24-44.1
│ ├─1972 – Obscured by Clouds 24-192
│ ├─1972 – Obscured by Clouds 24-48
│ ├─1973 – The Dark Side Of The Moon (2011 Remastered Version) 24-96
│ ├─1973 – The Dark Side of the Moon 24-48
│ ├─1973 – The Dark Side of the Moon 24-88.2
│ ├─1973 – The Dark Side of the Moon 24-96
│ ├─1975 – Wish You Were Here (2011 Remaster) 24-192
│ ├─1975 – Wish You Were Here 24-48
│ ├─1977 – Animals (2011 Remastered Version) 24-192
│ ├─1977 – Animals (2018 Remix) 24-192
│ ├─1977 – Animals 24-48
│ ├─1979 – The Wall (2011 Remastered Version) 2CD 24-96
│ ├─1979 – The Wall 24-48
│ ├─1979 – The Wall 2CD 24-96
│ ├─1983 – The Final Cut 24-48
│ ├─1983 – The Final Cutl (2021 Remastered Version) 24-192
│ ├─1987 – A Momentary Lapse Of Reason (2021R) 24-192
│ ├─1987 – A Momentary Lapse Of Reason 24-48
│ ├─1988 – Delicate Sound Of Thunder (2019R) 24-192
│ ├─1988 – Delicate Sound Of Thunder (2019R) 24-96
│ ├─1988 – Delicate Sound Of Thunder [Live] 24-48
│ ├─1994 – The Division Bell (2014 HD Download 24-96 flac)
│ ├─1994 – The Division Bell – 20th Anniversary 24-96
│ ├─1994 – The Division Bell 24-48
│ ├─1995 – Pulse (Live) 2CD24-192
│ ├─1996 – Relics (1996 Remastered Version) 24-192
│ ├─2001 – A Collection Of Great Dance Songs 24-192
│ ├─2008 – Sam Yahel, Mike Moreno, Ari Hoenig, Seamu Blake – Jazz Side of the Moon (Music of Pink Floyd) 24-192
│ ├─2011 – A Foot in the Door – The Best Of Pink Floyd (2011 Remastered Version) 24-192
│ ├─2011 – The Division Bell (2021 Remastered Version) 24-192
│ ├─2011 – Wish You Were Here 24-96
│ ├─2014 – The Endless River [Deluxe] 24-96
│ ├─2016 – Cre-ation- The Early Years 1967-1972 2CD 24-96
│ ├─2018 – Shine On You Crazy Diamond- A Tribute To Pink Floyd’s Greatest Hits 24-44.1
│ ├─2019 – The Later Years (Remastered) 24-96
│ ├─2019 – The Later Years 1987-2019 24-96
│ ├─2019 – The Later Years- 1987-2019 24-44.1
│ ├─2020 – Delicate Sound of Thunder (2019 Remix) (Live) 2CD 24-96
│ ├─2021 – A Momentary Lapse Of Reason (2019 Remix) 24-96
│ ├─2021 – Home 24-96
│ ├─2021 – Live at Knebworth 1990 24-44.1
│ ├─2021 – Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 1-5) 24-44.1
│ ├─2022 – Animals 24-192
│ ├─2023 – The Dark Side Of The Moon [24Bit-88.2Khz]
│ ├─1967 – The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn
│ ├─1968 – A Saucerful Of Secrets
│ ├─1969 – More DTS
│ ├─1969 – Ummagumma DTS
│ ├─1970 – Atom Heart Mother DTS
│ ├─1970 – Atom Heart Mother DTS alternate version
│ ├─1971 – Meddle DTS
│ ├─1972 – Obscured By Clouds DTS
│ ├─1973 – Dark Side of the Moon (2011 Immersion edition remux)
│ ├─1973 – Dark Side of the Moon DTS
│ ├─1974 – Live At Pompeii_4.0
│ ├─1975 – Wish You Were Here (2011 Immersion edition remux)
│ ├─1975 – Wish You Were Here DTS
│ ├─1975 – Wish You Were Here DTS alternate version
│ ├─1977 – Animlas DTS
│ ├─1979 – The Wall – (absounds. dts)
│ ├─1979 – The Wall DTS
│ ├─1983 – Final Cut DTS
│ ├─1987 – A Momentary Lapse Of Reason [BR to DTS-CD] 2019
│ ├─1988 – Delicate Sound Of Thunder [BR to DTS-CD] 2019
│ ├─1994 – Pulse DTS
│ ├─1994 – The Division Bell DTS
│ ├─1995 – P.U.L.S.E [BR to DTS-CD]
│ └─2014 – The Endless River [BR-Audio to DTS-CD]
│ ├─1967 – The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn 24-192
│ ├─1967 – The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn [EMI] 24-192
│ ├─1967 – The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn [EMS-50104] 24-192
│ ├─1967 – The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn [EMS-80317] 24-96
│ ├─1968 – A Saucerful Of Secrets 24-192
│ ├─1968 – A Saucerful Of Secrets [EMS-80318] 24-192
│ ├─1968 – A Saucerful Of Secrets [EMS-80318] 24-96
│ ├─1969 – More (Original Soundtrack Album) 24-96
│ ├─1969 – Soundtrack From The Film More [1C 062-04 096] 24-192
│ ├─1969 – Ummagumma [SMH 2212] 24-192
│ ├─1969 – Ummagumma [SMH 2212] 24-96
│ ├─1970 – Atom Heart Mother [EMS-80320] 24-192
│ ├─1970 – Atom Heart Mother [EMS-80320] 24-96
│ ├─1970 – Atom Heart Mother [SHVL 781] 24-192
│ ├─1970 – Tails In Pink 24-192
│ ├─1970 – Zabriskie Point (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 24-192
│ ├─1971 – M-502 (aka ‘spread legs’) Bootleg 24-96
│ ├─1971 – Meddle (Japan EMS-80322 Reissue1974) 32-192
│ ├─1971 – Meddle [A SHVL 795, 2C 064-04917] 24-192
│ ├─1971 – Meddle [OP-80375] 24-192
│ ├─1971 – Meddle [OP-80375] 24-96
│ ├─1971 – Meddle [SHVL 795] 24-192
│ ├─1971 – Relics 24-192
│ ├─1971 – Relics [SRS 5071] 24-96
│ ├─1972 – Obscured By Clouds (Japan EOP-80575) 32-192
│ ├─1972 – Obscured By Clouds [5C 062-05054] 24-192
│ ├─1972 – Obscured By Clouds [EMS-80323] 24-192
│ ├─1972 – Obscured By Clouds [EMS-80323] 24-96
│ ├─1973 – The Dark Side Of The Moon (France) 32-192
│ ├─1973 – The Dark Side Of The Moon (Original UK Quadraphonic) 24-96
│ ├─1973 – The Dark Side of the Moon [EOP-80778] 24-192
│ ├─1973 – The Dark Side of the Moon [EOP-80778] 24-96
│ ├─1974 – Masters of Rock (compilation album) 24-192
│ ├─1974 – Masters Of Rock 24-192
│ ├─1975 – Wish You Were Here [SBP 234651] 24-192
│ ├─1975 – Wish You Were Here [SHVL 814] 24-192
│ ├─1975 – Wish You Were Here [SOPO 100] 24-192
│ ├─1975 – Wish You Were Here [SOPO 100] 24-96
│ ├─1977 – Animals [CPL-1123] 24-96
│ ├─1977 – Animals [JC 34474] 24-192
│ ├─1977 – Animals [SBP 234948] 24-192
│ ├─1979 – The Dark Side of the Moon [MFSL 1-017] 24-192
│ ├─1979 – The Dark Side of the Moon [SMAS-11163] 24-192
│ ├─1979 – The Wall [1C 198-63 410 11]
│ ├─1979 – The Wall [2C 168-63410 11] 24-192
│ ├─1979 – The Wall [40AP 1750~1] 24-192
│ ├─1979 – The Wall [SHDW 411] 24-192
│ ├─1979 – The Wall [SHDW 411] 24-96
│ ├─1980 – Pink Floyd Collection 13xLP 24-192
│ ├─1981 – A collection Of Great Dance Songs (compilation album) 24-192
│ ├─1983 – The Final Cut [25AP 2410] 24-192
│ ├─1983 – The Final Cut [25AP 2410] 24-96
│ ├─1983 – The Final Cut [2C 070-65042] 24-192
│ ├─1983 – The Final Cut [30AP 2534, Master Sound Series] 24-192
│ ├─1983 – The Final Cut [QC 38243] 24-192
│ ├─1983 – Works 24-96
│ ├─1987 – A Momentary Lapse of Reason 32-192
│ ├─1987 – A Momentary Lapse of Reason [OC 40599] 24-192
│ ├─1987 – A Momentary Lapse of Reason [OC 40599] 24-96
│ ├─1988 – Delicate Sound of Thunder [EQ 5009] 24-96
│ ├─1988 – Delicate Sound of Thunder [PC2 44484] 24-192
│ ├─1988 – Oslo – Signs of Life 24-48
│ ├─1994 – The Division Bell [0825646293261] 24-192
│ ├─1994 – The Division Bell [C 64200] 24-192
│ ├─1994 – The Division Bell [CPL-1461] 24-192
│ ├─1994 – The Division Bell [EMD 1055] 24-192
│ ├─1994 – The Division Bell [EMD 1055] 24-96
│ ├─1995 – P.U.L.S.E. [EMD 1078] 24-192
│ ├─1995 – Relics [OP-80261] 24-192
│ ├─2003 – The Dark Side Of The Moon (1973) (30th Anniversary Edition) 24-192
│ ├─2011 – Wish You Were Here. Rec. 1975 24-192
│ ├─2014 – The Endless River [825646215478] 24-192
│ ├─2014 – The Endless River [US Press] 32-192
│ ├─2016 – Animals 32-192
│ ├─2016 – The Dark Side Of The Moon 32-192
│ ├─2016 – The Dark Side of the Moon [Mastered from..] 32-192
│ ├─2016 – The Final Cut 32-192
│ ├─2016 – The Wall (1961) 32-192
│ ├─2016 – Wish You Were Here 32-192
│ ├─2016 – Meddle (1971) 32-384
│ ├─2016 – The Dark Side Of The Moon (1973) 32-384
│ ├─2016 – Wish You Were Here (1975) 32-384
│ ├─2018 – A Foot In The Door EU 24-192
│ ├─2018 – Pink Floyd – A Foot In The Door 24-96
│ ├─2018 – Relics (2Pink Floyd Records, PFRLP18) 24-192
│ ├─2019 – The Dark Side Of The Moon (MFSL 1-017) 24-192
│ ├─2020 – Delicate Sound Of Thunder (1988) (US) 24-96
│ ├─2022 – Animals (2018 Remix) 24-192
│ ├─2023 – The Dark Side of the Moon live at Wembley 1974 32-192
│ ├─1965 – Their First Recordings
│ ├─1966 – Interstellar Overdrive
│ ├─1967 – The First 3 Singles
│ ├─1967 – The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn
│ ├─1968 – A Saucerful Of Secrets
│ ├─1969 – More
│ ├─1969 – The Man And The Journey
│ ├─1969 – Ummagumma
│ ├─1970 – (R1997) VA-Zabriskie Point [OST-Deluxe Edition]
│ ├─1970 – Atom Heart Mother
│ ├─1970 – Atom Heart Mother 5.1
│ ├─1970 – Atom Hyde Park
│ ├─1970 – Barrett (Syd Barrett)
│ ├─1970 – BBC Archives
│ ├─1970 – Live In London
│ ├─1970 – More Blues
│ ├─1970 – Music From The Body (Roger Waters)
│ ├─1970 – The Complete Zabriskie Point Session
│ ├─1970 – The Madcap Laughs (Syd Barrett)
│ ├─1971 – (R2016) Relics 5.1
│ ├─1971 – BBC Archives 1970-1971
│ ├─1971 – Embryo, San Diego
│ ├─1971 – Meddle
│ ├─1971 – Meddle 5.1
│ ├─1971 – The Complete BBC Sessions
│ ├─1972 – Obscured By Clouds
│ ├─1972 – Obscured by Clouds 5.1
│ ├─1972 – Pompeii
│ ├─1973 – The Dark Side Of The Moon
│ ├─1973 – The Dark Side Of The Moon 5.1
│ ├─1974 – A Nice Pair [Cassette]
│ ├─1974 – Wembley
│ ├─1975 – (R2011) Wish You Were Here (2CD)
│ ├─1975 – Spaceball Ricochet
│ ├─1975 – Wish You Were Here
│ ├─1977 – Animals
│ ├─1977 – Animals 5.1
│ ├─1978 – David Gilmour (David Gilmour)
│ ├─1978 – Ultra Rare Trax
│ ├─1978 – Wet Dream (Rick Wright)
│ ├─1979 – (R2012 )The Wall (3CD)
│ ├─1979 – The Wall
│ ├─1980 – The Warm Thrill Of Confusion
│ ├─1981 – A Collection Of Great Dance Songs
│ ├─1981 – A Collection of Great Dance Songs 5.1
│ ├─1981 – Nick Mason’s Fictitious Sports (Nick Mason)
│ ├─1982 – The Wall Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
│ ├─1983 – (R2011) The Final Cut 5.1
│ ├─1983 – The Final Cut
│ ├─1983 – Works
│ ├─1984 – About Face (David Gilmour)
│ ├─1984 – The Pros And Cons Of Hitch Hiking (Roger Waters)
│ ├─1985 – Profiles (Nick Mason)
│ ├─1987 – (R2019) A Momentary Lapse Of Reason 5.1
│ ├─1987 – A Momentary Lapse Of Reason
│ ├─1987 – Radio K.A.O.S (Roger Waters)
│ ├─1988 – Delicate Sound Of Thunder
│ ├─1988 – Delicate Sound Of Thunder (2CD) 5.1
│ ├─1988 – Opel (Syd Barrett)
│ ├─1989 – Live In Venice
│ ├─1990 – Rhapsody In Pink, The Psychedelic Years
│ ├─1990 – The Wall – Live In Berlin (Roger Waters)
│ ├─1991 – From Underground To The Moon
│ ├─1992 – Amused To Death (Roger Waters)
│ ├─1992 – La Carrera Panamericana
│ ├─1992 – Shine On
│ ├─1992 – The Early Singles 1967-68
│ ├─1993 – Total Eclipse
│ ├─1994 – (R2019) The Division Bell 5.1
│ ├─1994 – High Hopes
│ ├─1994 – Take It Back
│ ├─1994 – The Division Bell
│ ├─1994 – Wish You Were Here – Trance Remixes
│ ├─1994 – Your Favorite Disease Pasadena CA Rose Bowl
│ ├─1995 – (R2018) P.U.L.S.E. (2CD) 5.1
│ ├─1995 – Echoes, The History Of Pink Floyd
│ ├─1995 – Focus
│ ├─1995 – Greatest Songs
│ ├─1995 – Pulse
│ ├─1995 – Relics
│ ├─1995 – The Symphonic Music Of Pink Floyd
│ ├─1996 – Broken China (Rick Wright)
│ ├─1997 – Best Ballads
│ ├─1997 – Smoking Blues
│ ├─1997 – When The Wind Blows (Roger Waters)
│ ├─1998 – Azimuth Coordinator
│ ├─1999 – A Tree Full Of Secrets
│ ├─1999 – Anthology I
│ ├─2000 – Early Flights
│ ├─2000 – In The Flesh (Roger Waters)
│ ├─2000 – Is There Anybody Out There (2CD)
│ ├─2001 – Echoes, The Best Of Pink Floyd
│ ├─2001 – Echoes-The Best of Pink Floyd (2CD)
│ ├─2001 – The Best Of (Syd Barrett)
│ ├─2003 – Flickering Flame (Roger Waters)
│ ├─2004 – Remixes Out There
│ ├─2004 – Zabriskie Point
│ ├─2004 – Zee Identity (Rick Wright)
│ ├─2005 – Ca Ira (Roger Waters)
│ ├─2005 – London 1966-1967
│ ├─2005 – Old Symphonies
│ ├─2006 – On An Island (David Gilmour)
│ ├─2007 – Oh By The Way
│ ├─2007 – Star Mark Greatest Hits
│ ├─2007 – The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (3CD)
│ ├─2008 – Greatest Hits (2CD)
│ ├─2008 – Live In Gdansk (David Gilmour)
│ ├─2009 – Shine On Live
│ ├─2009 – The Great Gig In The Sky
│ ├─2010 – The Complete Rainbow Tapes
│ ├─2011 – Best Of A Foot In The Door
│ ├─2011 – Best Of-A Foot In The Door 5.1
│ ├─2011 – Dark Side Of The Moon (EU, EMI, 50999 029453 2 3) Experience Edition 2CD
│ ├─2011 – Discovery Box
│ ├─2011 – The Discovery Studio Album Box Set (16CD)
│ ├─2012 – The Wall (4CD)
│ ├─2014 – From Abbey Road To Britannia Row
│ ├─2014 – The Endless River
│ ├─2014 – The Endless River 5.1
│ ├─2015 – Rattle That Lock (David Gilmour)
│ ├─2015 – The Wall (Roger Waters)
│ ├─2016 – Cre-ation-The Early Years 1967-1972 (2CD)
│ ├─2016 – Echoes – The Best Of Pink Floyd
│ ├─2016 – Forever & Ever (2CD)
│ ├─2016 – Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here Symphonic
│ ├─2016 – The Early Years 1965-1972 (Compilation)
│ ├─2017 – Animals High Resolution Remasters (4CD)
│ ├─2018 – Meddle. The High Resolution Remasters 4 CD bootleg
│ ├─2018 – The Dark Side Of The Moon (3CD)
│ ├─2018 – The Final Cut (The High Resolution Remasters) (1983) 4CD
│ ├─2019 – A Saucerful Of Secrets-The High Resolution Remaster (Deluxe Edition) [Fallen Angel] 4CD
│ ├─2019 – Favourite Hits (1973-2014) (10CD)
│ ├─2019 – The Later Years 1987-2019 5.1
│ ├─2019 – The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn (The High Resolution Remasters) (4CD)
│ ├─2019 – Ummagumma – The High Resolution Remasters (4CD
│ └─2020 – Delicate Sound of Thunder (Later Years) (1988, RUSR200424, RU)
│ └─2021 – A Momentary Lapse Of Reason SACD-ISO
1967 – The Piper at the Gates of Dawn [M]
1968 – A Saucerful of Secrets [M]
1969 – More [M]
1969 – Ummagumma [M]
1970 – Atom Heart Mother [M]
1971 – Meddle [M]
1971 – Relics [M]
1972 – Obscured by Clouds [M]
1973 – The Dark Side of the Moon [ME]
1975 – Wish You Were Here [M]
1977 – Animals (2018 Remix) [ME]
1977 – Animals [ME]
1979 – The Wall [M]
1981 – A Collection Of Great Dance Songs [M]
1983 – The Final Cut [ME]
1987 – A Momentary Lapse of Reason (2019 Remix)
1987 – A Momentary Lapse of Reason (2019 Remix) [M]
1987 – A Momentary Lapse of Reason [M]
1987 – On the Turning Away (2019 Remix – Edit) [M]
1987 – One Slip (Delicate Sound Of Thunder Remix, 2020 Edit [Live]) [M]
1988 – Delicate Sound of Thunder (2019 Remix) (Live)
1988 – Delicate Sound of Thunder (2019 Remix) (Live) [M]
1988 – Delicate Sound of Thunder (Live) [M]
1994 – High Hopes (Radio Edit) [M]
1994 – Keep Talking (Radio Edit) [M]
1994 – Take It Back (Edit) [M]
1994 – The Division Bell [E]
1994 – The Division Bell [ME]
1995 – Pulse (Live) [ME]
2001 – Echoes- The Best of Pink Floyd [M]
2011 – A Foot in the Door- The Best of Pink Floyd [M]
2011 – Any Colour You Like (Live At The Empire Pool, Wembley, London 1974 (2011 Remastered Version)) [M]
2011 – Have A Cigar (Alternate Version) [M]
2011 – Money (Early Mix) [M]
2011 – Raving And Drooling (Live At Wembley 1974 (2011 Mix)) [M]
2011 – Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Pts. 1-6 (Live At Wembley 1974 (2011 Mix)) [M]
2011 – Us And Them (Live At The Empire Pool, Wembley, London 1974 (2011 Remaster)) [M]
2012 – The Doctor ((Comfortably Numb) [The Wall Work In Progress, Pt. 2, 1979] [Programme 1] [Band Demo] [2 [M]
2014 – The Endless River
2014 – The Endless River [M]
2016 – 1965-67 Cambridge St-ation [M]
2016 – 1970 Devi-ation [M]
2016 – The Early Years, 1967-1972, Cre-ation [M]
2017 – 1968 Germin-ation [M]
2017 – 1969 Dramatis-ation [M]
2017 – 1971 Reverber-ation [M]
2017 – 1972 Obfusc-ation [M]
2019 – Run Like Hell (Delicate Sound Of Thunder Remix, 2020 Edit [Live]) [M]
2019 – Run Like Hell (The Wall Work In Progress, Pt. 2, 1979 (Programme 1) [Band Demo] [2011 Remastered Ver [M]
2019 – Sorrow (2019 Remix – Edit) [M]
2019 – Sorrow (Live at Knebworth 1990) [M]
2019 – The Later Years 1987-2019 [M]
2019 – The Later Years [M]
2020 – Learning to Fly (Delicate Sound Of Thunder Remix, 2020 Edit [Live]) [M]
2020 – The Great Gig In the Sky (Delicate Sound Of Thunder Remix, 2020 Edit [Live]) [M]
2021 – Live at Knebworth 1990 [M]
2021 – Pink Floyd – Chillout [M]
2021 – Pink Floyd – Home [M]
2021 – Pink Floyd – Night [ME]
2021 – Pink Floyd – Play [M]
2022 – Dogs (2018 Remix) [M]
2022 – Hey Hey Rise Up (feat. Andriy Khlyvnyuk of Boombox) [M]
│ ├─1987 – A Momentary Lapse Of Reason (2011 Remastered Version) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─1988 – Delicate Sound Of Thunder (Live) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─1995 – Pulse (Live) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2001 – Echoes The Best of Pink Floyd [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2002 – Pink Floyd Egyptian cover [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2011 – Have A Cigar (Alternative Version) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2011 – Money (Early Mix) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2011 – Raving And Drooling (Live At Wembley 1974, 2011 Mix) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2011 – Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Pts. 1-6 (Live At Wembley 1974, 2011 Mix) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2012 – Run Like Hell (The Wall Work In Progress, Pt. 2, 1979) (2011 Remaster) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2012 – The Doctor (Comfortably Numb) [The Wall Work In Progress, Pt. 2, 1979](2011 Remaster) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2015 – La storia della musica (Pink Floyd versione acustica elettronica) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2016 – Backing Track Guitar Confortable [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2016 – Childhood’s End (2016 Remix) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2016 – Grantchester Meadows (BBC Session, 12 May 1969) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2016 – Guitar Solo (Backing Track) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2016 – Nothing Part 14 [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2017 – Careful With That Axe, Eugene ((Alternative Take) [Live At Pompeii] [2016 Remix]) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2017 – Fat Old Sun (BBC Radio Session, 16 July 1970) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2017 – More Blues (Alternative Version) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2017 – One Of These Days (BBC Radio Session, 30 September 1971) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2017 – Song 1 ((Capitol Studio Session, 22 August 1968) [2016 Mix]) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2017 – Vegetable Man (2010 Mix) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2018 – Animals [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2018 – Echoes [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2019 – Wots…Uh the Deal [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2020 – Another Brick in the Wall [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2020 – Any Colour You Like (Live At The Empire Pool, Wembley, London 1974; 2011 Remaster) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2020 – Brain Damage (feat. Rose Windows) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2020 – Us And Them (Live At The Empire Pool, Wembley, London 1974; 2011 Remaster) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2020 – Wish you Were Here (feat. By Proxy Music, Matt Ali & Eric Ubl) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2021 – Comfortably Numb Solo (Baritone Saxophone) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2021 – Comfortably Numb [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2021 – Have A Cigar [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2021 – Hey You [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2021 – Pink Floyd – Night [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2021 – The Great Gig In The Sky (Baritone Saxophone) [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2021 – Time [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2021 – Us and Them [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2022 – A Floydian Slip [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2022 – Any Colour Tou Like [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2022 – Comfortably Numb [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2022 – Fillmore West 1970 [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2022 – Hey You [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2022 – josefine. [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2022 – The Final Cut [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ ├─2022 – The Ultimate Pink Floyd Medley [16Bit-44.1kHz]
│ └─2022 – Variations of the Wall [16Bit-44.1kHz]
├─1967 – The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn (2011 Remastered Version) [24Bit-192kHz]
├─1968 – A Saucerful Of Secrets (2011 Remaster) [24Bit-192kHz]
├─1969 – More (Original Film Sountrack) (2011 Remastered Version) [24Bit-192kHz]
├─1969 – Ummagumma (2011 Remastered Version) [24Bit-192kHz]
├─1970 – Atom Heart Mother (2011 Remastered Version) [24Bit-192kHz]
├─1971 – Meddle (2011 Remastered Version) [24Bit-192kHz]
├─1971 – Relics (1996 Remastered Version) [24Bit-192kHz]
├─1972 – Obscured By Clouds (2011 Remastered Version) [24Bit-192kHz]
├─1973 – The Dark Side Of The Moon (2011 Remastered Version) [24Bit-96kHz]
├─1975 – Wish You Were Here (2011 Remaster) [24Bit-192kHz]
├─1977 – Animals (2018 Remix) [24Bit-192kHz]
├─1977 – Animals (2011 Remaster) [24Bit-192kHz]
├─1979 – The Wall (2011 Remastered Version) [24Bit-96kHz]
├─1980 – Comfortably Numb (Live at Knebworth 1990, 2021 Edit) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─1981 – A Collection Of Great Dance Songs [24Bit-192kHz]
├─1983 – The Final Cut [24Bit-192kHz]
├─1987 – A Momentary Lapse Of Reason (2019 Remix) [24Bit-96kHz]
├─1987 – On The Turning Away (2019 Remix; 2021 Edit) [24Bit-96kHz]
├─1987 – On The Turning Away (2019 Remix; Live) [24Bit-96kHz]
├─1987 – One Slip (Delicate Sound Of Thunder Remix; 2020 Edit; Live) [24Bit-96kHz]
├─1987 – One Slip (2019 Remix) [24Bit-96kHz]
├─1988 – Delicate Sound Of Thunder (2019 Remix; Live) [24Bit-96kHz]
├─1994 – High Hopes (Radio Edit) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─1994 – Keep Talking (Radio Edit) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─1994 – Take It Back (Edit) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─1994 – The Division Bell [24Bit-192kHz]
├─1994 – The Division Bell [24Bit-96kHz]
├─1995 – Pulse (Live, 2018 Remaster) [24Bit-192kHz]
├─1995 – Wish You Were Here (Live at Knebworth 1990, 2019 Mix) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─1995 – Wish You Were Here (Live at Knebworth 1990, 2021 Edit) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2011 – A Foot in the Door The Best Of Pink Floyd (2011 – Remaster) (2011 Remastered Version) [24Bit-192kHz]
├─2014 – The Endless River (Deluxe) [24Bit-96kHz]
├─2014 – The Endless River [24Bit-96kHz]
├─2016 – The Early Years 1967-72 Creation [24Bit-96kHz]
├─2016 – The Early Years 1970 DEVIATION [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2017 – The Early Years 1965-1967 CAMBRIDGE STATION [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2017 – The Early Years 1968 GERMINATION [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2017 – The Early Years 1969 DRAMATISATION [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2017 – The Early Years 1971 REVERBERATION [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2017 – The Early Years 1972 OBFUSCATION [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2019 – High Hopes (Early Version, 1994 Recording) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2019 – Run Like Hell [2019 Remix] (Live, Delicate Sound Of Thunder) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2019 – Sorrow (2019 Remix) [24Bit-96kHz]
├─2019 – The Later Years (4 CD) [24Bit-96kHz]
├─2019 – The Later Years 1987-2019 [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2020 – Learning To Fly (Delicate Sound Of Thunder Remix; 2020 Edit; Live) [24Bit-96kHz]
├─2020 – Run Like Hell (Delicate Sound Of Thunder Remix; 2020 Edit; Live) [24Bit-96kHz]
├─2020 – Sorrow [2019 Mix] (Live at Knebworth 1990) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2020 – The Great Gig In The Sky (Delicate Sound Of Thunder Remix; 2020 Edit; Live) [24Bit-96kHz]
├─2021 – Comfortably Numb [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2021 – Comfortably Numb [24Bit-48kHz]
├─2021 – Fearless [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2021 – In The Flesh [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2021 – Learning To Fly (2019 Remix; 2021 Edit) [24Bit-96kHz]
├─2021 – Live at Knebworth 1990 [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2021 – Money (Live at Knebworth 1990, 2021 Edit) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2021 – One Shot (Breathe) [24Bit-96kHz]
├─2021 – Pink Floyd – Chillout [24Bit-192kHz]
├─2021 – Pink Floyd – Home [24Bit-96kHz]
├─2021 – Pink Floyd – Play [24Bit-96kHz]
├─2021 – Run Like Hell (Live at Knebworth 1990, 2021 Edit) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2021 – Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Pts. 1-5) (Live at Knebworth 1990, 2021 Edit) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2021 – Sorrow (2019 Remix; 2021 Edit) [24Bit-96kHz]
├─2021 – Sorrow (Live at Knebworth 1990, 2021 Edit) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2021 – The Great Gig In The Sky (Live at Knebworth 1990, 2021 Edit) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2022 – Another Brick in the Wall [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2022 – Another Brick in the Wall [24Bit-48kHz]
├─2022 – Comfortably Numb [24Bit-192kHz]
├─2022 – Corporal Clegg [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2022 – Dogs (2018 Remix) [24Bit-192kHz]
├─2022 – Fearless [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2022 – Hey Hey Rise Up (feat. Andriy Khlyvnyuk of Boombox) [24Bit-96kHz]
├─2022 – Nobody Home [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2022 – The Wall (Live Session) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2022 – Time [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2022 – Time [24Bit-48kHz]
├─2022 – Tribute To Pink Floyd (Best Hits Non Stop) [24Bit-48kHz]
├─2022 – WELCOME TO THE MACHINE [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2022 – wish u were here [24Bit-192kHz]
├─2022 – Wish You Were Here (Live Session) [24Bit-44.1kHz]
├─2022 – Wish You Were Here [24Bit-44.1kHz]
└─2023 – The Dark Side Of The Moon (Live at Wembley 1974, 2023 Master) [24Bit-96Khz]





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