Ben Webster,1909年3月27日出生于美国堪萨斯城,是一名次中音爵士萨克斯演奏家。在所有名垂乐史的爵士萨克管大师中,班.威伯斯特(BEN WEBSTER,1909 -1973)吹出的音色应该说是最为特别的:沙哑而绝不饱满,沉厚而绝不明亮, 却又柔软甜美到极点。在旋律中吹奏长音的时候,老班最拿手的就是加入鲜明 悠长的气音,余韵浓浓不绝。


1930年,他开始学习C大调的saxophone,虽然算起步很晚了,但这并没有影响他在Gene Coy,Jap Allen,Blanche Calloway的southwestern乐队和Young Family乐队所取得的重要地位。事实上,他从Lester Young和他的父亲那里学到很多吹奏的技法(可以看出Young Family对Ben的影响是巨大的,Letser的吹奏风格也是从容不迫,雍容华贵)。
1931年,Webster参加了本尼.莫顿(Benny Moten)的乐队.这期间的代表作如“Lafayette”,“Moten Swing”。另外,Webster还参加了Andy Kirk, Fletcher Henderson, Benny Carter, Willie Bryant, CabCalloway ,eddy Wilson的大乐队演奏。
Webster的职业生涯的成功开始于1940年加入Duke Ellington的乐队,成为公爵手下最重要的saxophone手。那期间,Webster在公爵的各部名作里都起着关键性的作用,如《Cotton Tail》,《Conga Brava》,《All Too Soon》,直到那时,他还被认为只是Coleman Hawkins的翻版,但公爵发现了他的特质,那带着呼吸声的特有浪漫气质。他可以吹出特有的悦耳音质和特别的颤音。Webster还以他性情变化无常而出名(可能与他酗酒大有关系)。他与Ellington合作三年后,和Ellington闹了不愉快而离开。
1944年,Webster带领自己的乐队,同时还和Raymond Scott, John Kirby, Sid Catlett ,Stuff Smith等人合作。1948-49年,他重回Duke Ellington的乐队,随爵士乐团巡回演出。稍后,他为Billie Holiday,Ella Fitzgerald,Carmen McRae等著名的爵士歌者作伴奏灌录唱片。


萨克斯风是爵士乐最主要的乐器之一,爵士乐史上出现过许许多多萨克斯风好手,但是如果谈到Tenor Saxophone次中音萨克斯风的音色,或许早一辈爵士乐手里面吹tenor音色最美的三个人是Lester Young(李斯特.杨)、Coleman Hawkins(柯尔曼.霍金斯)和Ben Webster。其中韦伯斯特的音色非常特别,沙哑柔软,却又非常非常甜美浓郁,尤其是他在旋律中吹奏长音的时候,那种加入气音的煽情技法,真所谓可以把百炼精钢化为绕指柔,萨克斯风明明是由金属制成的,韦伯斯特,有时会令人怀疑,他当年买到一支棉花糖材质的次中音萨克斯风。
Ben Webster那一手黏稠的吹奏技巧把Tenor sax在演奏抒情歌曲时的角色发挥到淋漓尽致,1940年Ben Webster加入Duke Ellington成为其固定乐手之后,Webster在这个乐团中的表现使得他的名气大增,和Lester Young一样受到Frankie Trumbauer的影响,尤其是Trumbauer的即兴独奏,因此我们在快拍的时候可以听到Webster常用俐落且泼辣的方式处理乐曲,这点与他处理抒情曲的方式是完全截然不同。1943年他离开了Ellington大乐团之后,大部分的时间都待在小乐队中,并与Art Tatum、Oscar Peterson等人录制一系列重要的作品。


本杰明 弗朗西斯 韦伯斯特 (1909年3月27日——1973年9月20日),他在美国的高音爵士萨克斯界享有极高的声誉,是重要的一员。他生于美国密苏里州堪萨斯市。他与 李斯特 杨和 科尔曼霍金斯并称为三大最重要的摇摆次中音萨克斯手,并被亲切的冠以昵称“The Brute”,他善于用他独特的演奏方式诠释粗糙和愤怒,然而又有及其细腻的感情。在自己的艺术风格上,他感谢约翰尼 霍金斯 ,他说,是他教会我怎么演奏。
小时候的韦伯斯特学习钢琴和小提琴,之后他开始学习萨克斯,随后后来的录音也有他不时的通过钢琴来演奏的录音片段,当时巴德 约翰逊 为韦伯斯特展示并教授了一些基础的萨克斯演奏方法,这时候韦伯斯特就开始加入到了由 李斯特杨创立的 杨的家庭乐队中去。在1930年的堪萨斯州,那里被称作爵士音乐节的大熔炉,出现了很多伟大著名的乐队和名字,韦伯斯特在1932年这个时候加入了班尼 摩登的著名乐队,其中还包括 贝西伯爵、奥兰 佩吉和华特佩吉,这个时代被重塑于罗伯特 奥特曼的电影堪萨斯城中。
在整个三十年代,韦伯斯特话费了大量的时间在乐队的演奏上,其中包括安迪柯克、1934年的弗莱彻 亨德森的乐团。还包括当时的本尼卡特、威利科比、和时间不长的泰迪威尔森大乐队。
1935年,韦伯斯特正式加入了爱林顿公爵的乐队并在同年首次亮相,1940年,韦伯斯特正式开始在乐队中崭露头角,并开始进行了独奏。他将此归功于约翰尼霍金斯。爱林顿的乐队中的重低音独奏,最重要的影响和风格形成都来源于韦伯斯特的演奏。他之后的三年里他录制了一些非常有影响力的专辑。其中包括“cotton tail”和“all too soon”,就连贝司手吉米 布兰顿都说,当时爱林顿的乐队之所以取得巨大的成功,大部分归功于韦伯斯特,甚至有人称他们的乐队为布兰顿韦伯斯特乐队,1943年,韦伯斯特因为无休止的争吵离开了乐队,据说他曾经在那段时间剪碎了爱林顿的西服。
1943年,在韦伯斯特离开爱林顿的乐队之后,他开始在纽约的52街区继续他的音乐生涯。这一时期,他录制了一些专辑,在其中他既是独奏者又是伴奏者,并和雷曼 斯科特、约翰科比、希德 卡特利特以及 杰 麦宣 的乐队进行了短期的合作,这其中还包括以蓝调为特色的音乐家吉米 维斯朋,1948年,他返回了爱林顿的乐队进行了短暂的几个月的演出合作。
1953年,韦伯斯特和奥斯卡帕特森共同录制了一张新专辑 “King of the Tenors”,在这之后的十年,他们成为了重要的合作伙伴。围绕着奥斯卡,小号手 亨利 斯威特 爱迪生等人,他们和制作人 诺曼 葛兰兹 录制了 “Jazz at the Philharmonic”(爵士走进洛杉矶爱乐礼堂)。专辑“赫尔曼霍金遭遇本韦伯斯特”于1957年12月16日录制,其中包括吉他手赫伯爱丽丝,贝司手雷布朗,鼓手艾尔文 斯托勒。霍金斯和韦伯斯特的专辑堪称爵士音乐历史上的经典。
1956年,他和钢琴家亚特 斯顿 录制了古典音乐专辑。其中得到了贝司手瑞德 卡伦特和鼓手比尔 道格拉斯的支持。
韦伯斯特的工作一直非常稳定,但是到了1964年,他搬到了哥本哈根并希望永久的加入到美国爵士音乐家的演出行列。在他的职业生涯的末期,在丹麦的演出成绩使他非常的高兴。1971年韦伯斯特重回爱林顿公爵的big band乐队并在丹麦的蒂利沃公园进行了演出并在法国与 厄尔海因斯 录制了专辑“live”。
1973年,韦伯斯特死于荷兰的阿姆斯特丹并葬于哥本哈根的阿斯特恩斯公墓。那里还依旧保留着布鲁斯和民谣音乐的根源。韦伯斯特的影响力非常深远,以至于对之后的诸如阿奇 希普、卢 塔班克因、斯科特 汉密尔顿 、大卫 穆雷和班尼瓦勒斯都产生了重要的影响。


帽子和号角已成传统,是他永远不必离开的家园。——《But Beautiful》

Ben Webster
│ ├─1953 – Illinois Jacquet, Ben Webster – The Kid and the Brute
│ ├─1955 – Music For Loving With Strings 2CD
│ ├─1955 – Ballads (2011R)
│ ├─1956 – Art Tatum – The Tatum Group Masterpieces, Vol. 8
│ ├─1957 – Coleman Hawkins & Ben Webster – Coleman Hawkins Encounters Ben Webster
│ ├─1957 – Soulville
│ ├─1957 – Soulville (2013, Analogue)
│ ├─1958 – The Soul of Ben Webster (2014, Analogue)
│ ├─1958 – The Soul of Ben Webster 2CD
│ ├─1959 – Ben Webster & Oscar Peterson – Ben Webster Meets Oscar Peterson (2012, Analogue)
│ ├─1959 – Ben Webster Meets Oscar Peterson (1997R)
│ ├─1959 – Coleman Hawkins & Ben Webster – Coleman Hawkins Encounters Ben Webster
│ ├─1959 – Gerry Mulligan & Ben Webster – Gerry Mulligan meets Ben Webster
│ ├─1959 – Gerry Mulligan & Ben Webster – The Complete Gerry Mulligan Meets Ben Webster Sessions 2CD
│ ├─1959 – Gerry Mulligan Meets Ben Webster – Original Master Recordings
│ ├─1959 – Oscar Peterson & Ben Webster – Platinum-Reunion Blues (2000R)
│ ├─1959 – The Complete Gerry Mulligan Meets Ben Webster Sessions 2CD
│ ├─1960 – At The Renaissance
│ ├─1960 – At The Renaissance Gold CD
│ ├─1961 – The Warm Moods
│ ├─1961 – The Warm Moods {Reprise, 2003}
│ ├─1963 – Soulmates (w. Joe Zawinul)
│ ├─1964 – See You At The Fair
│ ├─1964 – See You At The Fair {Hybrid SACD}
│ ├─1965 – Ben Webster’s First Concert In Denmark (2019R)
│ ├─1965 – Gone With The Wind
│ ├─1965 – Live at The Jazzhus Montmartre, Vol. 1
│ ├─1965 – My Romance (1989R)
│ ├─1965 – Stormy
│ ├─1967 – Big Ben Time
│ ├─1967 – Days of Wine and Roses
│ ├─1967 – Plays Ballads
│ ├─1969 – The Holland Sessions (1997, Blue Note) 2CD
│ ├─1972 – Autumn Leaves
│ ├─1972 – Ben Webster & Tete Montoliu Trio – Gentle Ben (2015) {DM5182-02}
│ ├─1972 – Live At The Haarlemse Jazzclub (2015) {CDSOL-6413}
│ ├─1986 – My Man (Live at Montmartre 1973)
│ ├─1987 – Sweet Edison
│ ├─1988 – Giants Of Tenor Sax
│ ├─1990 – The Jazz Trumpet
│ ├─1991 – And Associates
│ ├─1993 – Jazz ‘Round Midnight
│ ├─1993 – King of Tenors
│ ├─1993 – The Frog
│ ├─1995 – Verve Jazz Masters 43
│ ├─1998 – At Work In Europe
│ ├─1998 – Ben Webster 1944-1946
│ ├─1998 – Ben Webster and Dexter Gordon – Baden 1972
│ ├─1998 – Ben Webster Meets Bill Coleman
│ ├─1998 – Gerry Mulligan meets Ben Webster
│ ├─1998 – Ultimate Ben Webster
│ ├─1999 – Art Tatum meets Ben Webster
│ ├─1999 – At The Renaissance
│ ├─1999 – Benny Carter with Ben Webster & Barney Bigard – BBB & Co
│ ├─1999 – For The Guv’nor
│ ├─2000 – Ben Webster’s Finest Hour
│ ├─2002 – 1946-1951
│ ├─2002 – Charlie Parker, Ben Webster, Benny Carter, Johnny Hodges, Flip Phillips – Super Session
│ ├─2003 – Soulville
│ ├─2004 – Ben Webster
│ ├─2004 – Carmen McRae – The Complete Ralph Burns Sessions Featuring Ben Webster
│ ├─2004 – Classic Jazz Archive (No Fool, No Fun) 2CD
│ ├─2005 – For Lovers
│ ├─2005 – Joe Williams – Ben Webster – Havin’ A Good Time
│ ├─2008 – Quiet Now. Until Tonight
│ ├─2009 – Billie Holiday – The Ben Webster 2CD
│ ├─2011 – Ben Webster & Johnny Hodges – The Complete 1960 Sextet Jazz Cellar Session
│ ├─2011 – Gerry Mulligan – Four Classic Albums 2CD
│ ├─2011 – Three Classic Albums Plus 2CD
│ ├─1958 – The Art Tatum – Ben Webster Quartet (2012Remaster) DSD
│ ├─1973 – Gentle Ben (2012Remaster) DSD
│ ├─2012 – The Soul Of Ben Webster DSD
│ ├─2016 – Old Betsy DSD
│ ├─2017 – Ballads DSD
│ ├─2017 – Come Sunday DSD
│ ├─2018 – Ben Webster Plays Duke Ellington DSD
│ ├─2018 – Johnny Hodges & Ben Webster – Johnny Hodges featuring Ben Webster DSD
│ ├─1957 – Blue Saxophones (2021Rmaster) [24Bit-48hz]
│ ├─1957 – Coleman Hawkins Encounters Ben Webster (2014Remaster) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─1957 – Coleman Hawkins Encounters Ben Webster [24Bit-48hz]
│ ├─1957 – Soulville (2014Remaster) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─1957 – Soulville [24Bit-48hz]
│ ├─1958 – The Soul of Ben Webster [24Bit-48hz]
│ ├─1959 – Ben Webster & Oscar Peterson – Ben Webster Meets Oscar Peterson [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─1959 – Ben Webster Meets Oscar Peterson [24Bit-48hz]
│ ├─1960 – Johnny Hodges – Johnny Hodges featuring Ben Webster (2018Rmaster) [24Bit-88.2Khz]
│ ├─1960 – Le souffle des deux grands (Mono Version) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─1962 – Ben and ‘Sweets’ [24Bit-48hz]
│ ├─1964 – See You at the Fair [24Bit-48hz]
│ ├─1965 – Ben Webster’s First Concert in Denmark (2019Rmaster) [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─1965 – My Romance [24Bit-48hz]
│ ├─1973 – Gentle Ben (2018Remaster) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─1973 – Gentle Ben [24Bit-48hz]
│ ├─2014 – Coleman Hawkins Encounters Ben Webster [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─2017 – Ballads (Remastered) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─2017 – Ballads [24Bit-48hz]
│ ├─2017 – Come Sunday [24Bit-48hz]
│ ├─2017 – Come Sunday [Highresaudio] [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─2018 – Ben Webster Plays Ballads Remastered [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2018 – Ben Webster Plays Duke Ellington [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─2019 – Ben Webster Meets Oscar Peterson (Remastered) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2019 – Ben Webster’s First Concert in Denmark [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2019 – In a Mellotone [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2021 – BBB & Co. [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Blue Saxophones [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2021 – Carmen McRae – The Complete Ralph Burns Sessions [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2021 – The Kid and the Brute [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─2022 – 25 Essentials of Ben Webster [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2023 – Ben Webster Meets Oscar Peterson [24Bit-192Khz]
│ ├─2024 – All In [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─2024 – The Excellence Series Ben And Sweets (Digital Remaster 2024) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ ├─2024 – Wednesday [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ ├─1953 – Ray Brown, Ben Webster, Oscar Peterson – One O’Clock Jump 24-96
│ ├─1959 – Ben Webster & Associates 32-96
│ ├─1959 – Ben Webster & Oscar Peterson – Ben Webster Meets Oscar Peterson (1999R) 24-192
│ ├─1959 – Ben Webster and Associates 24-96
│ ├─1959 – Ben Webster Meets Oscar Peterson (2012R) 32-384
│ ├─1959 – Coleman Hawkins & Ben Webster – Blue Saxophones 24-192
│ ├─1959 – Gerry Mulligan, Ben Webster – Gerry Mulligan Meets Ben Webster 24-192
│ ├─1959 – Gerry Mulligan, Ben Webster – Gerry Mulligan Meets Ben Webster 24-96
│ ├─1960 – At The Renaissance 24-192
│ ├─1960 – At The Renaissance 32-96
│ ├─1962 – Ben Webster &” Sweets” Edison – Ben Webster-”Sweets” Edison 32-96
│ ├─1964 – See You At The Fair 32-96
│ ├─1965 – Ben Webster With Strings – Sophisticated Lady 24-192
│ ├─1965 – Stormy Weather (2012R)(US)[LP] 24-96
│ ├─1969 – Live In Europe Vol.1 24-96
│ ├─1970 – No Fool, No Fun 24-192
│ ├─1970 – Stormy Weather (1988R) 24-96
│ ├─1971 – Atmosphere For 24-48
│ ├─1972 – Ben Webster And Tete Montoliu Trio – Gentle Ben (2011,Remastered) 24-192
│ ├─1974 – Saturday Night At The Montmartre 24-96
│ ├─1977 – Ben Webster 24-192
│ ├─1977 – Ben Webster 24-96
│ ├─1977 – Midnight At The Montmartre 24-96
│ ├─1977 – Sunday Morning At The Montmartre 24-96
│ ├─1978 – Ballads 24-96
│ ├─1978 – Did You Call 24-192
│ ├─1981 – Coleman Hawkins – Encounters Ben Webster 24-192
│ ├─1990 – Джаз-Галерея 24-192
│ ├─1990 – Джаз-Галерея 24-96
│ ├─1998 – Soulville 24-48
│ ├─2019 – The Soul of Ben Webster 24-192
│ ├─1954 – King Of The Tenors
│ ├─1954 – The Kid And The Brute (Expanded Edition)
│ ├─1956 – The Tatum Group Masterpieces, Volume 8
│ ├─1957 – & Coleman Hawkins
│ ├─1957 – Ben Webster Meets Coleman Hawkins
│ ├─1957 – Coleman Hawkins Encounters Ben Webster (Expanded Edition)
│ ├─1957 – Four Classic Albums (Coleman Hawkins Encounters Ben Webster Meets Oscar Peterson Ben Webster & Associates The Warm Moods) (Digitally Remastered)
│ ├─1959 – Ben Webster And Associates
│ ├─1959 – Ben Webster and Associates (Original Jazz Sound)
│ ├─1959 – The Soul Of Ben Webster
│ ├─1960 – At The Renaissance (Live At The Renaissance, Hollywood, CA October 14, 1960)
│ ├─1960 – Jo + Jazz
│ ├─1960 – Le souffle des deux grands (Mono Version)
│ ├─1962 – Ben And Sweets
│ ├─1964 – See You At The Fair
│ ├─1965 – Ben Webster The Golden Sax, Vol. 1
│ ├─1965 – Stormy Weather
│ ├─1965 – The Golden Sax, Vol. 2
│ ├─1965 – The Golden Sax, Vol. 3
│ ├─1965 – The Golden Sax, Vol. 4
│ ├─1965 – The Jeep Is Jumping
│ ├─1967 – Meets Bill Coleman
│ ├─1974 – Live at Pio’s
│ ├─1987 – There Is No Greater Love (Ben Webster)
│ ├─1990 – My Man (Live)
│ ├─1993 – Jazz ‘Round Midnight
│ ├─1994 – Live
│ ├─1995 – Music For Loving
│ ├─1995 – Stormy Weather
│ ├─1995 – The Soul Of Ben Webster
│ ├─1995 – There Is No Greater Love (Ben Webster)
│ ├─1995 – Verve Jazz Masters 43 Ben Webster
│ ├─1996 – Ben Webster Meets Don Byas
│ ├─1996 – Ben webster story
│ ├─1996 – Gone With The Wind
│ ├─1996 – My Romance
│ ├─1997 – Tenor Titans
│ ├─1997 – The Complete Gerry Mulligan Meets Ben Webster Sessions
│ ├─1998 – Jazz – The Essential Collection Vol. 12 (Remastered)
│ ├─1998 – Ultimate Ben Webster
│ ├─1999 – No Fool No Fun
│ ├─2000 – Ben Webster’s Finest Hour
│ ├─2000 – King Of The Tenors
│ ├─2000 – Quiet Now Until Tonight
│ ├─2001 – Ben & Teddy
│ ├─2002 – Plays Ballads
│ ├─2002 – Plays Duke Ellington
│ ├─2003 – At Montmartre 196566
│ ├─2004 – Live at Stampen, Stockholm
│ ├─2005 – Ben Webster For Lovers
│ ├─2006 – Ben Webster and His Orchestra’s Blues, Mister Brim
│ ├─2006 – Ben Webster Quartet’s Honeysuckle Rose
│ ├─2006 – Ben Webster Selected Favorites Volume 1
│ ├─2006 – Ben Webster Selected Favorites Volume 2
│ ├─2006 – Ben Webster Selected Favorites Volume 3
│ ├─2006 – Live In Paris
│ ├─2006 – Masters Of Jazz, Vol. 4
│ ├─2006 – The Quintet Studio Sessions
│ ├─2006 – Wayfaring Webster
│ ├─2007 – Jazz Masters, Ben Webster
│ ├─2008 – At Ronnie Scott 1964
│ ├─2008 – Complete Sextet Studio Sessions
│ ├─2008 – Dig Ben
│ ├─2009 – & Coleman Hawkins
│ ├─2009 – & Duke Ellington
│ ├─2009 – & Oscar Peterson
│ ├─2009 – And Jazz Legends – Vol 1
│ ├─2009 – And Jazz Legends – Vol 2
│ ├─2009 – And Strings
│ ├─2009 – Ash
│ ├─2009 – Ben Webster 100 Years – The Brute & The Beautiful
│ ├─2009 – Ben Webster and Friends 1957
│ ├─2009 – Centennial Celebration
│ ├─2009 – Reelin’ & Rockin’
│ ├─2009 – Some Other Spring
│ ├─2009 – Storyville Presents The A-Z Jazz Encyclopedia-W
│ ├─2011 – BD Music Presents Ben Webster
│ ├─2011 – Ben Meets Oscar
│ ├─2011 – Ben Webster & Art Tatum Quartet
│ ├─2011 – Ben Webster Ballads
│ ├─2011 – Ben Webster Selected Favorites, Vol. 1
│ ├─2011 – Ben Webster Selected Favorites, Vol. 3
│ ├─2011 – Ben Webster Selected Hits
│ ├─2011 – Big Man in a Small Band
│ ├─2011 – Coleman Hawkins encounters Ben Webster The Complete Session
│ ├─2011 – Reelin’ and Rockin’
│ ├─2011 – Soulville (Original Album plus Bonus Track)
│ ├─2011 – The Great Ben Webster
│ ├─2011 – The Jazz Master
│ ├─2011 – Three Classic Albums Plus (Blue Saxophones Soulville The Soul Of Ben Webster) (Digitally Remastered)
│ ├─2011 – Valentine (Asia Edition)
│ ├─2012 – Ben Webster Coleman Hawkins
│ ├─2012 – Ben Webster Duke Ellington
│ ├─2012 – Ben Webster Jazz Legends – Vol. 1
│ ├─2012 – Ben Webster Jazz Legends – Vol. 2
│ ├─2012 – Ben Webster Oscar Peterson
│ ├─2012 – BenBuck
│ ├─2012 – Strings
│ ├─2013 – An Exceptional Encounters (Original Album Plus Bonus Tracks 1953)
│ ├─2013 – Ben and the Boys
│ ├─2013 – Blue Serge
│ ├─2013 – Broke But Happy
│ ├─2013 – Chelsea Bridge
│ ├─2013 – Collection of the 40th
│ ├─2013 – Complete Quintet Studio Sessions (Bonus Track Version)
│ ├─2013 – Danny Boy
│ ├─2013 – In Norway
│ ├─2013 – Saxophone Romance
│ ├─2013 – See You At The Fair (DSD)
│ ├─2013 – St. James Infirmary
│ ├─2013 – Tenderly
│ ├─2013 – The King of Jazz Story – All Original Recordings – Remastered
│ ├─2014 – ‘Nuff Said
│ ├─2014 – A Delicate Dance
│ ├─2014 – Afternoon Tunes
│ ├─2014 – Around the Clock With
│ ├─2014 – Back to the Future
│ ├─2014 – Ben Rides Out
│ ├─2014 – Big City Sounds
│ ├─2014 – Clelsea Bridge
│ ├─2014 – Coleman Hawkins Encounters Ben Webster
│ ├─2014 – Color Blocking
│ ├─2014 – Conga Brava
│ ├─2014 – Different
│ ├─2014 – Diva‘s Edition
│ ├─2014 – Don’t Blame Me
│ ├─2014 – Early Session Hop
│ ├─2014 – Enjoy Your Free Time With
│ ├─2014 – Famous Jazz Instrumentalists
│ ├─2014 – Feel Freely
│ ├─2014 – Flowering May
│ ├─2014 – Flowers In Heaven (with The Laughing Face)
│ ├─2014 – Gerry Mulligan Meets Ben Webster (Full Album Plus Bonus Tracks 1959)
│ ├─2014 – Golden Moments
│ ├─2014 – Groove The Complete Legendary 1961 Session (Bonus Track Version)
│ ├─2014 – Here Swings the Judge
│ ├─2014 – Jive at Six
│ ├─2014 – Lets play again
│ ├─2014 – Live at Jazzhus Montmartre, Vol. 1
│ ├─2014 – Live at Jazzhus Montmartre, Vol. 2
│ ├─2014 – Opulent Event
│ ├─2014 – Paris in Love
│ ├─2014 – Pennies from Heaven
│ ├─2014 – Records For You
│ ├─2014 – Riding Tunes
│ ├─2014 – Roots (feat. Ben Webster) [Bonus Track Version]
│ ├─2014 – Roots Summit
│ ├─2014 – Rug Cutter’s Swing
│ ├─2014 – Silver Moonlight (with The Laughing Face)
│ ├─2014 – Some Saturday
│ ├─2014 – Some Winter Dreams
│ ├─2014 – Spring Feelings
│ ├─2014 – Star Awards
│ ├─2014 – Sweets (feat. Ben Webster) [Bonus Track Version]
│ ├─2014 – Take a Bow
│ ├─2014 – Take a Coffee Break
│ ├─2014 – Tangerine
│ ├─2014 – Tea for Two
│ ├─2014 – The Classic Years, Vol. 3
│ ├─2014 – The Classic Years, Vol. 4
│ ├─2014 – The Complete Recordings 1952-1962
│ ├─2014 – The Horn
│ ├─2014 – The One and Only Ben Webster (Remastered)
│ ├─2014 – The Very Best of Ben Webster
│ ├─2014 – The Warm Moods + Bbb & Co
│ ├─2014 – Tune in to
│ ├─2015 – Be With Me
│ ├─2015 – Ben Webster with the Johnny Richards Orchestra
│ ├─2015 – Blues in my Heart
│ ├─2015 – Dark City Nights
│ ├─2015 – Delicious Dishes
│ ├─2015 – Don’t Blame Me
│ ├─2015 – Express Yourself
│ ├─2015 – Frolic Around
│ ├─2015 – Harvest Season
│ ├─2015 – I Love Jazz
│ ├─2015 – Jazz for a Lazy Day
│ ├─2015 – Jazz Nostalgia
│ ├─2015 – Lets Have A Drink
│ ├─2015 – Man Alive
│ ├─2015 – My Gratest Mistake
│ ├─2015 – Once Leisure
│ ├─2015 – Status & Speed
│ ├─2015 – Steen Vig’s Jazzorchestra (feat. Ben Webster)
│ ├─2015 – The Horn
│ ├─2015 – The Man And His Music
│ ├─2015 – Thing
│ ├─2015 – Touching Lips
│ ├─2015 – When the Hawk Meets the Brute
│ ├─2016 – A Traveller
│ ├─2016 – All Too Soon (The Ben Webster Anthology Collection)
│ ├─2016 – Along
│ ├─2016 – Ask To Dance
│ ├─2016 – Atmosphere for Lovers and Thieves
│ ├─2016 – Ballads
│ ├─2016 – Behind
│ ├─2016 – Ben Webster & The Modern Jazz Quartet 1953 an Exceptional Encounter (Live)
│ ├─2016 – Bon Voyage
│ ├─2016 – Catch
│ ├─2016 – Centre Stage
│ ├─2016 – Chatty People
│ ├─2016 – Christmas Love
│ ├─2016 – Christmas Time Is Fairy-Tale Time
│ ├─2016 – Clear Vision
│ ├─2016 – Complete 1954-61 Small Group Studio Sessions (Bonus Track Version)
│ ├─2016 – Concerto for Harp
│ ├─2016 – Dream Dancers
│ ├─2016 – Dually Attired
│ ├─2016 – Duckling
│ ├─2016 – Elegant Evening
│ ├─2016 – Fellow
│ ├─2016 – Get Faster
│ ├─2016 – Gigantes de las Big Band Vol. Xviii
│ ├─2016 – Globe Trotter
│ ├─2016 – How To Deal With
│ ├─2016 – Imposingly
│ ├─2016 – In The Crowd
│ ├─2016 – In The Middle
│ ├─2016 – In The Spotlight
│ ├─2016 – It’s Greening
│ ├─2016 – Laid Back
│ ├─2016 – Lean Back And Listen
│ ├─2016 – Listen My Shuffle (Remastered)
│ ├─2016 – Living For The Moment
│ ├─2016 – Look Whats Coming Out
│ ├─2016 – Louder Than Words
│ ├─2016 – Love Caught
│ ├─2016 – Love Incorporated
│ ├─2016 – Man At His Leisure
│ ├─2016 – Me Myself and My Songs
│ ├─2016 – Meet And Greet On Broadway
│ ├─2016 – Music On Air
│ ├─2016 – My Happy Heaven (Remastered)
│ ├─2016 – Navigator
│ ├─2016 – Open Stage
│ ├─2016 – Passenger Coaches
│ ├─2016 – Path To Green
│ ├─2016 – Picturesque Landscape
│ ├─2016 – Play Loudly
│ ├─2016 – Profoundly Love
│ ├─2016 – Rare Encounter
│ ├─2016 – Records Room
│ ├─2016 – Remind and Reflecting
│ ├─2016 – Silhouettes
│ ├─2016 – Splash Of Color
│ ├─2016 – Spring Is Coming
│ ├─2016 – Stardust
│ ├─2016 – Strong As An Ox
│ ├─2016 – Swingin’ In The Rain
│ ├─2016 – Talkative Friend
│ ├─2016 – The Art Of A Legend
│ ├─2016 – The Art Tatum & Ben Webster Quartet (Bonus Track Version)
│ ├─2016 – The Best Of Christmas Holidays (Fantastic Relaxing Songs)
│ ├─2016 – The Brute
│ ├─2016 – The Gold Collection
│ ├─2016 – The Last Lullaby
│ ├─2016 – The Plan
│ ├─2016 – The Wisdom
│ ├─2016 – This Is Not A Shoe
│ ├─2016 – This Spring Feeling
│ ├─2016 – Truth Matters
│ ├─2016 – à La Carte
│ ├─2017 – A Bouquet Of Hits
│ ├─2017 – Body and Soul
│ ├─2017 – Cadillac Slim
│ ├─2017 – Cheeky Moments
│ ├─2017 – Chelsea Bridge
│ ├─2017 – Confectioner’s
│ ├─2017 – Conga Bravo
│ ├─2017 – Delicately Built
│ ├─2017 – Easy Living
│ ├─2017 – For Good
│ ├─2017 – Forest Walk
│ ├─2017 – Freedom Loving
│ ├─2017 – Gaudy Colours
│ ├─2017 – Golden Days
│ ├─2017 – Good Old Memories
│ ├─2017 – Heaven on Earth
│ ├─2017 – Highlights of Ben Webster
│ ├─2017 – I Found my Paradise
│ ├─2017 – Lafayette
│ ├─2017 – Lets Have A Drink
│ ├─2017 – Light Branched
│ ├─2017 – Look Down
│ ├─2017 – Memories of You
│ ├─2017 – Moments in Time
│ ├─2017 – Music from Heart
│ ├─2017 – Plunge Into The Cool Wet
│ ├─2017 – Search For Meaning
│ ├─2017 – Share My Heart
│ ├─2017 – Soulville
│ ├─2017 – Spring Time Of Love
│ ├─2017 – Summer Cocktail
│ ├─2017 – The Complete Recordings 1952-1959
│ ├─2017 – The Complete Recordings 1959-1962
│ ├─2017 – The Quintessence – New York – Los Angeles (1940 -1962)
│ ├─2017 – Wonderful Collection
│ ├─2017 – YOU’RE MINE
│ ├─2018 – Autumn in New York
│ ├─2018 – Ben Webster Plays Ballads Remastered
│ ├─2018 – Cotton Tail
│ ├─2018 – Genius of Jazz – Ben Webster, Vol. 1 (Digitally Remastered)
│ ├─2018 – Genius of Jazz – Ben Webster, Vol. 2 (Digitally Remastered)
│ ├─2018 – It Never Entered My Mind
│ ├─2018 – Moments with Ben Webster
│ ├─2018 – Prisoner of Love
│ ├─2018 – Soho Nights, Vol. 2 (Live)
│ ├─2018 – Time to Swing
│ ├─2018 – Top Hits
│ ├─2018 – Valentines Day 1964 Live!
│ ├─2019 – A new Friend
│ ├─2019 – A Silver Cup
│ ├─2019 – Ben Webster Meets Oscar Peterson (Remastered)
│ ├─2019 – Ben Webster plays Ben Webster
│ ├─2019 – Ben Webster’s First Concert in Denmark
│ ├─2019 – Carousel
│ ├─2019 – Chelsea Bridge
│ ├─2019 – Dark Melodie
│ ├─2019 – Dinner
│ ├─2019 – Georgia On My Mind
│ ├─2019 – In a Mellotone
│ ├─2019 – International Earwig
│ ├─2019 – Les Idoles Du Jazz Ben Webster, Vol. 2
│ ├─2019 – My Late Date
│ ├─2019 – Piano
│ ├─2019 – Redwood Tree
│ ├─2019 – Rocket Master
│ ├─2019 – Rums
│ ├─2019 – Seafood Songs
│ ├─2019 – Secrets of the Sun
│ ├─2019 – Softly as in a Morning Sunrise
│ ├─2019 – Spring Tasting
│ ├─2019 – The Cherry Street House
│ ├─2019 – This is Ben Webster
│ ├─2019 – This Is My Jazz (Best Tracks)
│ ├─2019 – Time On My Hands
│ ├─2019 – Waterfall
│ ├─2019 – Whoop Time Songs
│ ├─2019 – Ово ?е ?азз Схакер
│ ├─2020 – Absolute Music Mood
│ ├─2020 – Back In The Game
│ ├─2020 – Bock Beer
│ ├─2020 – Boisterous
│ ├─2020 – Carnival King
│ ├─2020 – Castanets Dance
│ ├─2020 – Cheaper Tricks
│ ├─2020 – Classics Works Recordings
│ ├─2020 – Coffee Girl
│ ├─2020 – Dancing Couple
│ ├─2020 – Flying Dream Music
│ ├─2020 – Good old Music
│ ├─2020 – In a Mellow Tone (Live)
│ ├─2020 – Inspires
│ ├─2020 – Love Lines
│ ├─2020 – My Greatest Mistake
│ ├─2020 – My Magic Christmas Songs
│ ├─2020 – My Music My Mood My Soul
│ ├─2020 – Numero Uno Jazz
│ ├─2020 – Old Time Jazz
│ ├─2020 – Out Of Mind
│ ├─2020 – Salon
│ ├─2020 – Slow Motion
│ ├─2020 – Soulville (1957) (Full Album)
│ ├─2020 – Super Sounds
│ ├─2020 – Swing Time Teddy Wilson – Ben Webster – Edmond Hall Swingtet
│ ├─2020 – The Changing Face of Harlem
│ ├─2020 – Time To Relaxe
│ ├─2020 – Willow Weep for Me
│ ├─2021 – A Funny Couple
│ ├─2021 – Alpha Endless Masterpieces
│ ├─2021 – BBB & Co
│ ├─2021 – Ben Webster Meets Coleman Hawkins
│ ├─2021 – Ben Webster Meets Oscar Peterson (Bonus Track Version)
│ ├─2021 – Big Rock
│ ├─2021 – Blue Saxophones
│ ├─2021 – Blue Skies (Remastered)
│ ├─2021 – Bounce Blues
│ ├─2021 – Buzzy Suite Masters
│ ├─2021 – Christmas In The Old Home
│ ├─2021 – City Bouncing Uptown
│ ├─2021 – Day Dawn
│ ├─2021 – Daylights Nightlights Best Songs
│ ├─2021 – Delight Beautiful Tracks
│ ├─2021 – Esslingen, Germany (Live 1967)
│ ├─2021 – Fog Rises
│ ├─2021 – Golden Selection (Remastered)
│ ├─2021 – Good Morning
│ ├─2021 – Headman
│ ├─2021 – I Got Rhythm (Live)
│ ├─2021 – If I Only Had a Job
│ ├─2021 – My Car Sounds
│ ├─2021 – On the Way Home
│ ├─2021 – Resting on the Beach
│ ├─2021 – Riding Where Sunshine
│ ├─2021 – Sensational Flight Call
│ ├─2021 – Small Diva
│ ├─2021 – Stole
│ ├─2021 – The Classic Collaborations
│ ├─2021 – The Great Masterpieces Maker
│ ├─2021 – The Great Reception
│ ├─2021 – The Kid and the Brute
│ ├─2021 – Time Songs Imagination
│ ├─2021 – Trucker Songs
│ ├─2021 – When I Fall in Love (Remastered)
│ ├─2021 – Wild Mood Best Tracks
│ ├─2021 – You Are So Dear To Me
│ ├─2022 – 25 Essentials of Ben Webster
│ ├─2022 – Arrows in the Gale
│ ├─2022 – Backward
│ ├─2022 – Black Eye
│ ├─2022 – Body and soul
│ ├─2022 – Boy Wanted
│ ├─2022 – Castles in the Air
│ ├─2022 – Complete Sextet Studio Sessions with Harry Edison
│ ├─2022 – Day by Day
│ ├─2022 – Dinner in The Roof Garden Restaurant
│ ├─2022 – Dizzy Wonderful Day
│ ├─2022 – He’s my Steady
│ ├─2022 – In dear old London
│ ├─2022 – Love’s Away
│ ├─2022 – Mambocito Milo
│ ├─2022 – Naughty Boy
│ ├─2022 – Old Times Sake
│ ├─2022 – Parisian Life
│ ├─2022 – Relaxing Moods
│ ├─2022 – Risen (Jamming with the Jazz Master)
│ ├─2022 – Someone to Watch over Me
│ ├─2022 – Stage Show
│ ├─2022 – Tenderly
│ ├─2022 – That Slippery Slide Trombone
│ ├─2022 – That’s All – Autumn Jazz
│ ├─2022 – The Day You Live Forever
│ ├─2022 – The Magic Melody
│ ├─2022 – The Quintet Studio Sessions with Harry Edison
│ ├─2022 – Traditions
│ ├─2022 – Winter Dreams
│ ├─2023 – A Message
│ ├─2023 – A Prairie Windstorm
│ ├─2023 – Anthology 2023 (All Tracks Remastered)
│ ├─2023 – Ben Webster Meets Oscar Peterson
│ ├─2023 – Hawaiian Songs
│ ├─2023 – I Didn’t Know About You (Remastered)
│ ├─2023 – Icetea
│ ├─2023 – Just at the Turn of the Tide
│ ├─2023 – Just Like You
│ ├─2023 – Just We Two
│ ├─2023 – Little Plain Gold Ring
│ ├─2023 – Lumiere Des Etoiles (Live Paris ’72)
│ ├─2023 – On the Dance Floor
│ ├─2023 – Pleasure Boats
│ ├─2023 – Street Artist
│ ├─2023 – Tenderly
│ ├─2023 – The Pelican Chorus
│ ├─2023 – The Warm Moods (Hq Remastered 2024)
│ ├─2023 – Trumpeter
│ ├─2023 – Water Lilies
│ ├─2023 – You’re Still My Dear Old Daddy
│ ├─2024 – 30,000
│ ├─2024 – All In
│ ├─2024 – Essential Classics, Vol. 43 Coleman Hawkins
│ ├─2024 – Essential Classics, Vol. 63 Ben Webster
│ ├─2024 – Flurries
│ ├─2024 – Gentle Ben
│ ├─2024 – I Got It Bad
│ ├─2024 – I Surrender Dear
│ ├─2024 – King’s Riff
│ ├─2024 – Love Is Here to Stay
│ ├─2024 – Omt (Live Copenhagen ’65)
│ ├─2024 – Opus 711
│ ├─2024 – Randall’s Island
│ ├─2024 – Spang
│ ├─2024 – Studio Call
│ ├─2024 – The Excellence Series Ben And Sweets (Digital Remaster 2024)
│ ├─2024 – Time on My Hands
│ ├─2024 – Wednesday
│ ├─2024 – Who
│ ├─2003 – My Romance SACD-ISO
│ ├─2009 – See You At The Fair SACD-ISO
│ ├─2010 – Gentle ben SACD-ISO
│ ├─2011 – Ben webster meets oscar peterson SACD-ISO
│ ├─2012 – Coleman Hawkins – Coleman hawkins encounters ben webster sacd-iso
│ ├─2012 – Soulville SACD-ISO
│ ├─2012 – The soul of ben webster SACD-ISO
│ ├─2014 – Ben Webster and Harry ‘Sweets’ Edison – Ben and ‘Sweets’ SACD-ISO
├─1956 – King Of The Tenors
├─1957 – Soulville
├─1959 – Ben Webster and Associates
├─1960 – At The Renaissance
├─1960 – Jimmy Witherspoon at the Renaissance – Live
├─1960 – The Soul Of Ben Webster
├─1961 – The Warm Moods
├─1962 – Ben And -Sweets-
├─1963 – Soulmates
├─1964 – See You At The Fair
├─1972 – Autumn Leaves
├─1972 – Ben Webster Meets Don Byas
├─1972 – Gentle Ben
├─1972 – Live at the Haarlemse Jazzclub (Live)
├─1974 – Live at Pio’s
├─1992 – Compact Jazz – The Verve Years
├─1993 – Jazz ‘Round Midnight
├─1995 – Music For Loving
├─1995 – Verve Jazz Masters 43- Ben Webster
├─1997 – Ben Webster Meets Oscar Peterson
├─1998 – Jazz – The Essential Collection Vol. 12
├─1998 – Ultimate Ben Webster
├─2000 – Ben Webster’s Finest Hour
├─2000 – Quiet Now – Until Tonight
├─2001 – Ben & Teddy
├─2005 – Ben Webster For Lovers
├─2009 – Centennial Celebration
├─2012 – Soho Nights, Vol. 2 (Live)
├─2013 – Gentle Ben
├─2014 – During This Time (Live at NDR Jazzworkshop 1972)
├─2017 – Ben Webster- Rarities
├─2018 – Ben Webster Plays Ballads Remastered
├─2018 – Valentines Day 1964 Live!
├─2019 – Ben Webster’s First Concert in Denmark
├─2019 – In a Mellotone
├─2021 – I Got Rhythm (Live)
├─2022 – That’s All – Autumn Jazz





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