小红莓乐队(The Cranberries),爱尔兰摇滚乐队,由主唱桃乐丝·奥里奥丹、吉他手诺埃尔·霍根、和贝斯手迈克·霍根、鼓手费尔戈·劳勒组成。
1993年,乐队推出首张音乐专辑《Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We?》。1994年,推出第二张音乐专辑《No Need To Argue》。1999年,推出第四张音乐专辑《Bury the Hatchet》。2001年,推出专辑《Wake Up And Smell The Coffee》。2003年,乐队成员们宣布单飞,中止演艺活动。2009年,乐队重组并举办世界巡演。2011年7月,在上海大舞台和北京万事达中心举行演唱会,这是乐队首次在中国内地演出。2012年,发行专辑《Roses》。




爱尔兰是一个以英语为主要语言的欧洲音乐重镇,歌手乐队人才辈出,卡百利乐队便成立于此地。卡百利乐队原名为Cranberries Saw Us ,乃受一部以小红莓酱(Cranberry Sauce)为主题的歌剧有感而发命名的。主唱Dolores O’Riordan加入后, 提议改名为The Cranberries,简短好记。


在卡百利乐队成立以前,三个主要成员Noel、Mike和Fergal在一个名叫“The Cranberry Saw Us”的乐队中干了大约半年。乐队在组建后不久就经历了“人员地震”,原主唱Niall为了个人发展选择离开,为了不影响乐队的正常发展,他把好朋友Dolores推荐给了乐队。Dolores后来成了卡百利乐队最重要的人物,声乐专业出身的她很快便凭借音乐天赋和创作才华成为乐队的灵魂人物,她独特的咽音发声让卡百利崭露头角。
1993年,卡百利推出首张专辑《Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We?》(每个人都可以做,我们又有什么不可以?)。其中首支畅销单曲“Linger”(徘徊)收录其中。随后短短一年的时间里,美国MTV台开始大量播放卡百利的MV,为乐队建立了无比忠实的听众群。他们的第二首金曲”Dreams”(梦)在排行榜上成绩不俗,带动了首张专辑的热销,最后全球范围内卖出800万张,从此一发不可收拾。



1990年,来自Limerick的Noel和Mike两兄弟,连同鼓手Fergal最早组成了乐团的雏形,当时乐团的名称被定为The Cranberry Saw Us,主唱Niall Quinn是上述三人的朋友,他的唱法很玩闹,乐队走轻松的喜剧化音乐路线,比如有些歌被命名为“我外婆溺死在Lourdes的喷泉”(My Grandma drowned in a fountain in Lourdes),“I was always all ways”,“Throw Me Down A Big Stairs”等。后来,Niall因为个人的原因离开了乐团,为了不影响乐团的发展,他推荐了他女友的一位朋友Dolores。Dolores成功的赢得了乐团主唱的位置,并开始为之后的著名单曲《Linger》写歌词。她高亢有力的嗓音及其独特的爱尔兰花腔可以说是乐队的招牌。
1992年,首支单曲”Dreams”登场,乐评佳评如潮但排行不买单;1993年推 出”Linger”,再度叫好不叫座。直到1994年一场决定性的演出:卡百利在美国担任麂皮合唱团Suede的暖场团体,全场观众反应热烈,反而对Suede失去兴趣。
卡百利用独立乐队期间培训出的实力:现场演唱,不只征服美国乐迷,更影响了日后女歌手的表演方式,从王菲、范晓萱、到小天后蕾哈娜,都有着Dolores声音表情强烈的影子。他们偶然录制的小样在当地被一抢而空,随后录制的样带也受到了罕见的一致好评。经过几家著名唱片公司的一场竞标大战,卡百利最终与爱尔兰唱片(Island Records)签约。在首支单曲反映并不理想之后他们更换了经纪人。他们的第二支单曲《Linger》在美国成功地成为1993年热门歌曲,这也使得乐队在英国取得巨大成功。


在Dolores即将离开乐队的传闻中,卡百利乐队发行了《To the Faithful Departed》,专辑销量很好(也尚未超过上一张专辑)但评论并不佳。在接下来的几年中,乐队取消了一次大型的巡回演唱会,关于即将解散的传闻也四处传播。 1997年,Dolores为丈夫Don生下了小宝宝Taylor。 1999年发行了回顾专辑《Bury the Hatchet》。 2001年卡百利乐队发行《Wake Up and Smell the Coffee》,这张专辑在当年美国告示牌上排名46位。接下来的一年中他们推出了一张大合辑《Stars – The Best of 1992 – 2002》,同时发行的还有DVD及音乐录像带。


然而在2004年,卡百利乐队宣布他们暂停乐队事务以从事他们各自的事业。该年的早些时候,Dolores为梅尔·吉布森导演的《耶稣受难记(The Passion of the Christ)》演唱了主题曲《Ave Maria》,她还和Malcolm McDowell一起为《罗斯托夫的野兽(Evilenko)》写了一首歌。
Dolores计划在2006年底的时候推出她的个人专辑。而Noel Hogan前往the Mono Band继续音乐事业。Dolores在2006年出演了亚当·桑德勒(Adam Sandler)主演的电影《Click》,片中她扮演一位婚礼歌手,并演唱了《Linger》。


2009年8月,Dolores发行第二张个人专辑《No Baggage》后,便与前乐队成员宣布,卡百利乐队重组,年底将进行北美巡演,2010年春开始欧洲巡演。据Dolores O’Riordan 的声明,卡百利乐队其实此前并未正式宣布过他们会解散,但乐队的成员自2003年以后就再也没有一起工作过。此年一月在都柏林的Trinity 大学重聚并演唱了几首乐队的经典歌曲,乐队各成员表示,他们都非常挂念彼此,于是一致决定,暂停乐队的休息状态,重新上路。



The Cranberries
│ ├─CD
│ │ ├─1993 – Everybody Else Is Doing It So Why Can’t We [EU – Island Records 063 089-2]
│ │ ├─1993 – Everybody Else Is Doing It So Why Can’t We [US]
│ │ ├─1993 – Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We (25th Anniversary SDE, 4CD, 2018) 4CD
│ │ ├─1994 – No Need To Argue (Deluxe) 2CD
│ │ ├─1994 – No Need To Argue (The Complete Sessions 1994-1995)
│ │ ├─1994 – No Need To Argue 2CD
│ │ ├─1995 – MTV Unplugged
│ │ ├─1996 – To The Faithful Departed
│ │ ├─1996 – To The Faithful Departed (Japan – Island Records PHCR-1811)
│ │ ├─1996 – To The Faithful Departed (The Complete Sessions 1996-1997)
│ │ ├─1999 – Bury The Hatchet (The Complete Sessions 1998-1999)
│ │ ├─1999 – Bury The Hatchet (The Complete Sessions) (EU 2000 Edition) 2CD
│ │ ├─1999 – Bury The Hatchet [Island 314-524 611-2]
│ │ ├─2000 – Bury The Hatchet. The Complete Sessions (EU – Island Records 542 507-2)
│ │ ├─2000 – Golden Collection 2000
│ │ ├─2000 – Greatest Hits Platinum Collection
│ │ ├─2001 – Wake Up And Smell The Coffee (MCA Records – 088 112 739-2)
│ │ ├─2001 – Wake Up And Smell The Coffee (MCA Records – 112 706-2)
│ │ ├─2001 – Wake Up And Smell The Coffee (Special Edition)
│ │ ├─2001 – Wake Up And Smell The Coffee (US – MCA Records 088 112 739-2)
│ │ ├─2001 – Wake Up And Smell The Coffee 2 bonus tracks (EU – MCA Records 112 707-2)
│ │ ├─2002 – Stars – The Best Of 1992-2002 (Limited Edition EU – Island Records 063315-2) 2CD
│ │ ├─2002 – Treasure Box (The Complete Sessions 1991-1999) 4CD
│ │ ├─2008 – Gold (EU – Mercury 0602517575615) 2CD
│ │ ├─2009 – Singles Collection 48CD
│ │ ├─2010 – Bualadh Bos – The Cranberries Live (EU – Island Records ISLB001381902.2)
│ │ ├─2011 – Live In Paris 2010 (US – 4Worlds Media FWUS025) 2CD
│ │ ├─2011 – Roses (COOKCD552J, Japan)
│ │ ├─2012 – Icon (Universal, 5337739)
│ │ ├─2012 – Live at Zenith, Caen, France 2012 2CD
│ │ ├─2012 – Roses (Deluxe Edition) (EU – Cooking COOKCD552X) 2CD
│ │ ├─2012 – Roses (EU – Cooking COOK552)
│ │ ├─2013 – Live 02.10.2012 Hammersmith Apollo, London 3CD
│ │ ├─2016 – 5 Classic Albums (Box Set) 5CD
│ │ ├─2016 – D.A.R.K. – Science Agrees
│ │ ├─2017 – Something Else
│ │ ├─2019 – In The End
│ ├─Dolores O’Riordan
│ │ ├─2007 – Are You Listening
│ │ ├─2007 – Ordinary Day (promo)
│ │ ├─2007 – Ordinary Day – Single, Promo
│ │ ├─2007 – When We Were Young (promo)
│ │ ├─2007 – When We Were Young – Single, Promo
│ │ ├─2009 – No Baggage
│ │ ├─2009 – The Journey (promo)
│ │ ├─2009 – The Journey – Single, Promo
│ ├─Hi-Res
│ │ ├─1993 – Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─1993 – Linger (Iain Cook Remix) [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─1993 – Linger [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─1994 – No Need To Argue (Deluxe) 2CD [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─1994 – No Need To Argue [2020 Remaster] [24Bit-96Khz]
│ │ ├─1996 – To The Faithful Departed (Deluxe Edition) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─1996 – To the Faithful Departed [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─1996 – When You’re Gone Free To Decide [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─1997 – In Their Own Words [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ │ ├─1999 – Bury the Hatchet [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─1999 – Modern Talk [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2001 – Analyse [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2001 – Wake Up And Smell The Coffee [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2002 – Bury The Hatchet (The Complete Sessions 1998-1999) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2002 – Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We (The Complete Sessions 1991-1993) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2002 – In Their Own Words [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2002 – No Need To Argue (The Complete Sessions 1994-1995) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2002 – Stars The Best Of The Cranberries 1992-2002 [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2002 – To The Faithful Departed (The Complete Sessions 1996-1997) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2002 – Treasure Box The Complete Sessions 1991-99 [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2005 – 20th Century Masters The Best Of The Cranberries [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2006 – Classic The Cranberries [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2008 – Gold [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2009 – Bualadh Bos_ The Cranberries Live [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2009 – This Is The Day [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2011 – Tomorrow [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2012 – Live 2010 – Zenith Paris, 22.03.10 [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2012 – Live At the Hammersmith Apollo, London 2012 [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2012 – Roses (Deluxe Edition) [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2012 – Roses [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2017 – Linger (Acoustic Version) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2017 – Something Else [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2017 – Why [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2018 – Shine Down (‘Nothing Left At All’ EP Version) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2018 – íosa [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2019 – All Over Now (Edit) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2019 – In the End [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2019 – In the End [24Bit-44.1Khz]
│ │ ├─2020 – (They Long To Be) Close To You [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2020 – Daffodil Lament (Remastered 2020) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2020 – Yesterday’s Gone (MTV Unplugged) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2020 – Zombie (Live From Milton Keynes) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2020 – Zombie (Remastered 2020) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2021 – Remembering Dolores [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2024 – Dreams [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2024 – Linger (Iain Cook Remix) [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2024 – Linger [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2024 – Ode To My Family [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2024 – Sunday [24Bit-48Khz]
│ │ ├─2024 – Wrapped Around Your Finger EP [24Bit-192Khz]
│ │ ├─2024 – Zombie [24Bit-48Khz]
│ ├─LP
│ │ ├─1993 – EVERYBODY ELSE IS DOING IT SO WHY CAN’T WE [AS00033, 1992-2017, US] 24-176.4
│ │ ├─1993 – Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We (2017 Analog Spark – AS00037) 24-96
│ │ ├─1993 – Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We (UK) 24-96
│ │ ├─1994 – No Need To Argue (UK) 24-192
│ │ ├─1994 – No Need To Argue (UK) 24-96
│ │ ├─1994 – No Need To Argue (US) 24-96
│ │ ├─1994 – NO NEED TO ARGUE [5391295, 2020, EU] 24-176.4
│ │ ├─1996 – To The Faithful Departed 24-96
│ │ ├─1999 – Bury The Hatchet 24-192
│ │ ├─2002 – Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We 24-192
│ │ ├─2002 – No Need To Arque 24-192
│ │ ├─2002 – To The Faithful Departed 24-192
│ │ ├─2012 – Roses 24-192
│ │ ├─2020 – No need to argue 24-192
│ │ ├─2021 – Stars The Best Of 1992-2002 (Czech) 24-192
│ │ ├─2021 – Stars The Best Of 1992-2002 (EU Island Records – 5393226) 24-192
│ ├─MQA
│ │ └─2017 – Something Else [MQA]
│ ├─qobuz
│ │ ├─1993 – Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We
│ │ ├─1993 – Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We (Super Deluxe) 4CD
│ │ ├─1993 – Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We (The Complete Sessions 1991-1993)
│ │ ├─1994 – No Need To Argue (Deluxe) 2CD
│ │ ├─1994 – No Need To Argue (Remastered 2020)
│ │ ├─1994 – No Need To Argue (The Complete Sessions 1994-1995)
│ │ ├─1996 – To The Faithful Departed
│ │ ├─1996 – To The Faithful Departed (Deluxe Edition) 3CD
│ │ ├─1996 – To The Faithful Departed (The Complete Sessions 1996-1997)
│ │ ├─1999 – Bury The Hatchet
│ │ ├─1999 – Bury The Hatchet The Complete Sessions 1998-1999
│ │ ├─2001 – Analyse
│ │ ├─2001 – Wake Up And Smell The Coffee
│ │ ├─2002 – Stars The Best Of The Cranberries 1992-2002
│ │ ├─2002 – Stars The Best Of The Cranberries 1992-2002 (The One & Only)
│ │ ├─2002 – Treasure Box for Boys and Girls The Complete Sessions 1991–1999 4CD
│ │ ├─2005 – 20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection The Best Of The Cranberries
│ │ ├─2008 – Gold 2CD
│ │ ├─2009 – Bualadh Bos The Cranberries Live
│ │ ├─2011 – Live 2010 – Zenith Paris, 22.03.10
│ │ ├─2012 – Live At the Hammersmith Apollo, London 2012
│ │ ├─2012 – Roses
│ │ ├─2012 – Roses (Limited Deluxe Version) 2CD
│ │ ├─2017 – Something Else
│ │ ├─2017 – The Ultimate Collection
│ │ ├─2019 – All Over Now (Edit)
│ │ ├─2019 – In the End
│ │ ├─2019 – Little Drummer Boy (Christmas at The Vatican) (Live)
│ │ ├─2019 – The Pressure
│ │ ├─2019 – Wake Me When It’s Over (Edit)
│ │ ├─2021 – Remembering Dolores
│ │ ├─2024 – Dreams
│ │ ├─2024 – Linger
│ │ ├─2024 – Ode To My Family
│ │ ├─2024 – Sunday
│ │ ├─2024 – Wrapped Around Your Finger EP
│ │ ├─2024 – Zombie
│ └─Tidal
│ ├─1993 – Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We-
│ ├─1993 – Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We- (Super Deluxe) 4CD
│ ├─1993 – Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We- (The Complete Sessions 1991-1993)
│ ├─1993 – Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can’t We- [A]
│ ├─1993 – Linger
│ ├─1993 – Linger [A]
│ ├─1993 – Sunday
│ ├─1994 – No Need To Argue (Deluxe) 2CD
│ ├─1994 – No Need To Argue (Remastered 2020)
│ ├─1994 – No Need To Argue (The Complete Sessions 1994-1995)
│ ├─1994 – Ode To My Family
│ ├─1996 – To The Faithful Departed
│ ├─1996 – To The Faithful Departed (Deluxe Edition) 3CD
│ ├─1997 – In Their Own Words
│ ├─1999 – Bury The Hatchet
│ ├─1999 – Bury The Hatchet [A]
│ ├─2001 – Analyse
│ ├─2001 – Wake Up And Smell The Coffee
│ ├─2002 – 20th Century Masters – The Millennium Collection- The Best Of The Cranberries
│ ├─2002 – Stars- The Best Of The Cranberries 1992-2002
│ ├─2002 – Treasure Box for Boys and Girls- The Complete Sessions 1991–1999 4CD
│ ├─2008 – Gold 2CD
│ ├─2010 – Bualadh Bos- The Cranberries Live
│ ├─2011 – Tomorrow
│ ├─2012 – Live 2010 – Zenith Paris, 22.03.10
│ ├─2012 – Live At the Hammersmith Apollo, London 2012
│ ├─2012 – Roses
│ ├─2012 – Roses (Deluxe Edition)
│ ├─2017 – Something Else
│ ├─2018 – Dreams
│ ├─2018 – Dreams (Pop Mix – The Cranberry Saw Us Casette Demo)
│ ├─2018 – Shine Down (‘Nothing Left At All’ EP Version)
│ ├─2018 – íosa
│ ├─2019 – All Over Now (Edit)
│ ├─2019 – In the End
│ ├─2019 – Little Drummer Boy (Christmas at The Vatican) (Live)
│ ├─2019 – The Pressure
│ ├─2019 – Wake Me When It’s Over (Edit)
│ ├─2020 – (They Long To Be) Close To You
│ ├─2020 – Daffodil Lament (Remastered 2020)
│ ├─2020 – Yesterday’s Gone (MTV Unplugged)
│ ├─2020 – Zombie
│ ├─2020 – Zombie (Live From Milton Keynes)
│ ├─2020 – Zombie (Remastered 2020)
│ ├─2020 – Zombie [A]
│ ├─2021 – Remembering Dolores
│ ├─2022 – Dreams [A]
│ ├─2024 – Linger (Iain Cook Remix)
│ ├─2024 – Linger (Iain Cook Remix) [A]
│ ├─2024 – Wrapped Around Your Finger EP





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